Marketing - Basic & Advance Theory, Concepts, Case studies, News - Trang 163

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Marketing Strategy (PDF) - Ferrel & Hartline - Buy/Free download

Marketing Strategy (PDF) - Author: O.C. Ferral, Michael D. Hartline - The textbook focuses on discussing issues related to marketing strategy.

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism - Buy/Free Download (PDF)

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism - Buy/Free Download (PDF) - Author: Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen, James Makens, Seyhmus Baloglu

Essentials of Marketing - McCarthy (PDF) Mua/Free Download

Essentials of Marketing - The textbook is considered an alternative to Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler, for those who want to learn the basics of Marketing.

The small business Online Marketing handbook (PDF) Free Download

The small business Online Marketing handbook (PDF) - Author: Annie Tsai - A handbook-sized textbook that helps you master the basics of Online Marketing for a small business.

Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media

Marketing Communications: Integrating offline and online with social Media (PDF) - Author: PR Smith, Ze Zook - An in-depth textbook on communication topics in Marketing, how to combine online and offl...

Nike's Influencer Marketing strategy

Analysis of Nike's Influencer Marketing strategy - The king in the sports clothing and footwear industry.

Highlights of Electrolux's Business - Marketing strategy

Join to refer to the outstanding features inside the business strategy - Marketing of AB Electrolux.

The growth of Microsoft Windows

The growth of Microsoft's Windows operating system through its versions. The analyzation of Microsoft's ups and downs associated with Windows versions.

What is selective attention?

What is Selective Attention? Examples of selective attention in real life. What is overselective state and how does it affect people's cognitive and evaluation abilities?

What is selective distortion? Examples and Explanation

Concept, definition of Selective distortion. Typical example of selective distortion. Analyze the causes leading to the expression Selective distortion. Effects of Selective Distortion on Marketing Co...