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This website provides you knowledges related to Marketing, Business and Entertainment news such as Movies, Gaming, Celebrity, Technology...


Hello, I'm Nia (Nia Nguyen) - a member of the Wibu copywriting team with over 5 years of experience in the field of Marketing. I'm passionate about my work and constantly strive to learn and improve my skills. Additionally, I share similar interests with other Gen Z folks, such as playing games, watching anime, reading manga, and technology.
Hello, I'm Denni (Denni Pham), a long-standing member of the Wibu team. I graduated from the University of Engineering and Technology and have had the opportunity to work with many prominent brands in the marketing industry. I'm passionate about writing and share common interests with other team members, such as gaming, watching movies, enjoying anime, and tinkering with technology.
Hello, everyone! I'm Rose (Rose Tran), a recent addition to the Wibu gang. I have a strong passion for creating content, writing articles, PR, advertising, and blogging for websites. In my free time, I enjoy playing a few rounds of games, watching anime episodes, reading manga, and keeping up with the latest technology news.