Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media

Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media

Marketing Communications: Integrating offline and online with social Media (PDF) - Author: PR Smith, Ze Zook - An in-depth textbook on communication topics in Marketing, how to combine online and offline media.

Marketing Strategy 7th edition PDF

Marketing Communications

Integrating offline and online with social Media

Language: English (English)

Latest Edition: 7th

Book title translated into Vietnamese: Marketing Communication - Combining Online and Offline communication with social networks

Author: PR Smith, Ze Zook


"Marketing Communications: Integrating offline and online with social Media" is an in-depth textbook on communication topics in Marketing with a total of 21 chapters and divided into 2 parts. The eleven chapters of part 1 mainly discuss communication theories, as well as media budget planning. Part 2 (the rest) again provides the reader with communication tools, with each chapter being a separate tool. In addition, throughout the chapters, the author also includes elements to help readers have methods to synchronize and resonate the power between online and offline communication tools.

Part 1: Foundations and theories of communication

Chapter 1: Modern Marketing Communication

Chapter 2: Brand

Chapter 3: Customer Relationship Management

Chapter 4: Customer psychology and buyer behavior

Chapter 5: Theory of communication with customers

Chapter 6: Marketing communication research

Chapter 7: Planning a budget for the media

Chapter 8: Marketing communication agency

Chapter 9: International Marketing Communication

Chapter 10: Marketing communication plan

Chapter 11: Change in the media environment

Part 2: Communication tools

Chapter 12: Sales Administration and Key Customer Relationship Management (KAM)

Chapter 13: Online and offline advertising

Chapter 14: Public Relations - online and offline

Chapter 15: Sponsorship - online and offline

Chapter 16: Sales promotion - online and offline

Chapter 17: Sending mail - online and offline

Chapter 18: Exhibition - online and offline

Chapter 19: Trading and Point of Sale

Chapter 20: Packaging

Chapter 21: Websites and Social Media

Audience audience:

  • Business owners, managers, marketing people in businesses, stores, business establishments.
  • Students, students, trainees, lecturers in Marketing, business administration, international business at universities, colleges, intermediate schools, academies, educational centers.

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