Destiny 2 Fans Fuming Over Bungie's Silence on Missing Content

Destiny 2 Fans Fuming Over Bungie's Silence on Missing Content

Bungie remains tight-lipped on the absence of Destiny 2: Lightfall content, leaving fans in the dark about what's causing the delay

Players remain dissatisfied with Destiny 2's Season of the Deep despite its successful launch, with some Lightfall DLC content missing without any explanation from Bungie. Adding to the frustration is the abundance of new items in the game's premium currency store, Eververse. This has led to a general sense of discontent regarding the game's monetization, particularly since the highly anticipated Destiny Playstation armor sets appear to be unavailable for purchase with Bright Dust during the season. The community is eagerly awaiting a response from Bungie.

Destiny 2 players are upset over the lack of ritual armor that was promised to come out with the Lightfall DLC. Bungie had previously assured players that each new yearly DLC would include a full suite of activity armor sets, but this has not been delivered. Players are now questioning why this promise was not fulfilled, especially considering the regular releases of Eververse cosmetics. Despite attempts by the community to reach out to Bungie for clarification, their efforts have been ignored. It appears that the issue could have been resolved if Bungie had provided an explanation earlier, but that opportunity has now passed.

If Bungie fails to address the lack of ritual armor refresh, it could potentially lead to further discontent within the community. Currently, forum threads discussing the issue and Bungie's failure to provide context are gaining traction. These threads have even surpassed discussions about Destiny 2's Season 21 content. However, the community's dissatisfaction with Bungie's silence on monetization-related issues and missing content extends beyond this matter. For instance, Destiny 2's Veil explanation questline is time-gated, causing frustration among fans who are eager to delve deeper into the game's lore.

Destiny 2 is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.