The upcoming season 9 of ‘The Real Housewives of Potomac’ faces a cast change as Nneka Ihim departs, focusing on her family's expansion journey. The exit of Nneka Ihim marks another shift in the dynam...
The drama between Candiace Dillard Bassett and Robyn Dixon has caused a stir in The Real Housewives of Potomac, leaving Candiace deeply hurt and questioning her friendship.
The recent episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac titled 'Tequila, Tears, Texas' took a dramatic turn when the group confronted Robyn Dixon about her husband Juan Dixon's recent scandal. The emotio...
RHOP's Gizelle Bryant dishes on her epic feud with Karen Huger, reveals the hidden significance behind her game-changing tagline in an exclusive interview with Us Find out what's really at stake in Po...
RHOP's Ashley Darby spills on her messiest TV moment and reveals which Housewife she doesn't mesh with Get ready for exclusive tea from The Real Housewives of Potomac star!
RHOP's Karen Huger warns that if her husband, Ray, ever paid for another woman's hotel room like Juan Dixon did, their marriage could be in serious jeopardy