Xur's Location Guide: Where to Find Destiny 2 Exotic Items This Week (November 17-21)
Discover the elusive Xur in Destiny 2 this weekend! Uncover his secret location and explore his impressive collection of Exotic and Legendary items Upgrade your arsenal with Xur's exclusive offerings and enhance your gameplay experience
Xur has arrived, bringing a fresh supply of new weapons and armor as Season of the Witch comes to a close. As Season of the Wish approaches and an updated version of Dragon's Breath is released, now is the perfect time to invest in new Exotics and Legendary-class gear for the final season of Lightfall. Discover where Xur can be found this weekend and his available items.
This week, Xur can be located on Nessus in The Watcher's Grave. The Colony is the weapon on offer, while Hunters have the option to acquire the St0mp-EE5 leg armor. Titans can obtain the Wormgod Caress gauntlets, and Warlocks can purchase the Felwinter's Helm helmet.
Xur Location
Xur's location on Nessus.
Xur Exotic and Legendary Items
Exotic Engram - 97 Legendary Shards
The Colony - 29 Legendary Shards
St0mp-EE5 - 23 Legendary Shards
Wormgod Caress - 23 Legendary Shards
Felwinter's Helm - 23 Legendary Shards
Hawkmoon - 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic Cipher
Xenology quest - Free
Legendary weapons and armor can be obtained for the cost of 50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer. Additionally, Xur provides the Xenology quest on a weekly basis. To complete this quest, players must either participate in 21 Vanguard Ops or achieve victory in Crucible and Gambit matches. By doing so, players can earn an Exotic Cipher. Typically, Exotic Ciphers are used to purchase older Exotics from a kiosk in the Tower. However, a new option is available this season - players can now exchange their Exotic Ciphers with Master Rahool to acquire the specific Exotics they desire. Furthermore, the maximum number of Exotic Ciphers that each player can hold at a time has been increased to five.
Xur makes a regular appearance in Destiny 2 every weekend, beginning at the daily reset time of 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET on Fridays. Initially, his whereabouts are shrouded in mystery as he is not marked on the map. This can make it challenging for inexperienced players to locate him. Nevertheless, Xur can be found in specific areas, such as the Tower Hangar, Nessus in Watcher's Grave, and the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the return of Xur in Destiny 2. Xur is a mysterious and elusive character who appears in the game every weekend, offering players a chance to purchase exotic items that are not available anywhere else. This week, Xur is located on Nessus in The Watcher's Grave. He is selling a variety of exotic items, including The Colony, St0mp-EE5, Wormgod Caress, and Felwinter's Helm.
I think it's great that Xur offers players a chance to purchase exotic items that they might not otherwise be able to get. It's also exciting to try and find Xur each week, as his location is not always marked on the map. I think Xur is a great addition to Destiny 2, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to offer in the future.