Unveiling the Essential Checklist for Destiny 2 Players Before Season 21 Concludes

Maximize your Destiny 2 gameplay before Season 21 concludes! Discover essential tasks and must-achieve milestones during the Season of the Deep while time is still on your side
Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion is currently in its second season, but soon it will make way for a new season to take center stage. As this change is approaching, players should be aware that certain things may no longer be available once the Season of the Deep ends. To ensure they don't miss out, players are encouraged to complete these activities before it's too late. Season of the Deep is the game's 21st season, bringing a range of content, rewards, and challenges. Those who don't play regularly may find that time is running out to experience everything it has to offer.
Everything that Players Should Finish Before Season of the Deep Ends
The Deepsight Harmonizer consumables introduced in Destiny 2's Season of the Deep should be a top priority for players to obtain and utilize before the season concludes. These Harmonizers are a delightful treat for casual players who may have missed out on past seasonal weapons in Destiny 2, and they are also a valuable tool for veteran players looking to complete their collections. While these items are expected to return in future seasons, it is strongly recommended that players use them soon after acquiring them, as they can make a significant difference in unlocking new craftable weapons.
Fishing in Destiny 2 offers a relaxed and enjoyable activity that every Guardian should try at least once during this season. The availability of this fishing activity in the game is uncertain, as its popularity among the community may extend its duration. Therefore, it is advisable to give it a shot while it is currently accessible. Furthermore, fishing in Destiny 2 provides an effortless way to earn loot, as long as players have enough bait to participate. Additionally, it appears that fishing is connected to the Season of the Deep's upcoming Exotic scout rifle, the Wicked Implement. More information about this weapon will be revealed in week nine of the season and beyond.
Players should make sure to complete eight of the transmog bounties from Ada-1 for each character class before the end of the Season of the Deep. Each season provides an opportunity to unlock free armor ornaments in Destiny 2's transmog system, regardless of owning the season pass or not. It is important to remember to complete these bounties throughout the season, and the new Ghosts of the Deep dungeon offers a perfect chance to finish some dungeon-specific transmog bounties. By consistently completing all eight of the transmog bounties, players can gradually balance the scales in their favor each season, as each season adds at least one full five-piece set of armor.
While the Ghoul title from the new Ghosts of the Deep dungeon will not go away anytime soon, Destiny 2 players who collect titles should prioritize obtaining the Aquanaut title before any of the required content becomes unavailable. The Deep Dives and Salvage seasonal activities are expected to remain available for at least the next two seasons in Destiny 2, though fishing may not be available for as long.
Additionally, in order to boast their achievements, Destiny 2 players should aim to reach their highest attainable Guardian Rank before the conclusion of the Season of the Deep. Each season, players' Guardian Ranks are reset, but reaching specific milestones assists in expediting the process after the reset. It is important to note that players should also make sure to collect all their seasonal engrams and those associated with playlist activities before the season concludes. Furthermore, players should strive to complete the Exotic Catalyst for the Centrifuse auto rifle. Lastly, after finishing the Parting the Veil mission on Neomuna, players should acquire the new Strand Aspects for each class.
Destiny 2 is accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.