Unveiling Destiny 2's Incredible Hidden Exotic Mission Playlist: A Divine Game-Changer!

Discover the game-changing potential of Destiny 2's upcoming Exotic mission playlist! Unleashing a wave of fresh weekly content, this exciting addition breathes new life into old weapons, offering a truly immersive experience for seasoned players and newcomers alike
The upcoming Exotic mission playlist in Destiny 2 will allow players to craft versions of old Exotic weapons, giving them new life and making them more accessible.
The playlist will also provide an opportunity for Exotic weapons that currently do not have Exotic Catalysts to potentially acquire them in the future, thereby enhancing their effectiveness and versatility.
With the introduction of the updated crafting system in the playlist, older Exotic weapons will be rebalanced and made more competitive when compared to the newer legendary weapons that have been added to the game.
Destiny 2's retirement of content has always been a sensitive topic, but the upcoming Exotic mission playlist brings even more excitement. Not only does it allow players to revisit old content and earn exclusive Exotic weapons, but it also offers additional rewards and future updates.
Scheduled for release in Season 22, the Exotic mission playlist will reintroduce vaulted content with a fresh approach to the rewards. Players will have the opportunity to craft their own versions of the Exotic weapons, and there will be multiple new Exotic Catalysts for these weapons in the future. Furthermore, the activity will include the storylines, armor, and legendary weapons from the Seasons in which each Exotic mission originally debuted. Initially, the playlist will feature the Exotic missions for Revision Zero, Dead Man's Tale, and Dead Messenger, with more missions being added at later dates.
Destiny 2’s New Exotic Mission Playlist Can Give Old Weapons New Life
Allowing players to craft the Exotic weapons featured in the Exotic mission playlist could revolutionize the game. Moreover, if more Exotic weapons receive the same treatment as the Revision Zero Exotic pulse rifle, it could potentially start a new trend. In any case, the ability to craft additional Exotic weapons is a great opportunity, especially for already powerful weaponry.
Not only will players have the chance to engage in unique missions and earn exclusive Exotic weapon rewards, but the playlist also holds potential beyond that. Specifically, it sets the stage for weapons without Exotic Catalysts to potentially receive them in the near future.
Exotic Catalysts will soon be available for other Exotic weapons, just like they were for Revision Zero during Destiny 2's Season of the Seraph. This is a significant improvement for these weapons, as they previously didn't have any Exotic Catalysts. It won't be long before these Exotic weapons have multiple Catalysts.
Furthermore, the Exotic mission playlist introduces an updated crafting system for the available weapons. This update is long overdue, considering how many new legendary weapon perks have been added to Destiny 2 since some of these Exotic weapons were introduced. Crafted weapons also offer enhanced versions of the legendary weapon perks. Some of the older Exotic weapons may feel outdated and underwhelming compared to the latest legendary weapons, but this change should help balance the playing field in favor of Exotics.
Each Exotic mission in the playlist will not only feature the same episodic story elements as their initial debut but will also bring back the legendary rewards from their respective seasons. With the introduction of Deepsight Harmonizers, players now have the opportunity to craft past Season's legendary weapons in addition to the Exotic weapons. Even without relying on Deepsight Harmonizers, these missions will guarantee the drop of a Deepsight legendary weapon at least once a week. This significant development in Destiny 2 aims to alleviate FOMO by providing players with a reliable chance to obtain craftable versions of weapons they may have missed out on.
However, the ability to craft old Exotic weapons and the reintroduction of their related questlines are just the tip of the iceberg. The new Exotic mission playlist will continue to expand over time, offering more missions and a plethora of additional rewards alongside the highly sought-after Exotic weapons.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.