Unleashing the Power: Unveiling the Secret Behind Trace Rifles' Elusiveness in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 community expresses frustration over limited availability of legendary trace rifles in the Season of the Deep, leaving fans longing for more diverse options in the current loot pool
Destiny 2 fans are expressing their disappointment with the current loot pool, as they are unable to obtain legendary trace rifles. While exotic trace rifles like Wavesplitter and Prometheus Lens are accessible, many active players are unable to acquire their legendary counterparts.
Previously, trace rifles were exclusively found in the exotic weapon category before the release of Destiny 2's Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack. This pack introduced the first-ever legendary trace rifle called Retraced Path, and subsequent seasons, such as Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, promised the introduction of more legendary trace rifles. Players can still obtain the Retraced Path and Acasia's Dejection legendary trace rifles by completing the Dares of Eternity and Raid of Nightmares activities. Regrettably, other once-popular legendary trace rifles are no longer obtainable through activities in Destiny 2.
Soulstone_X, a devoted Destiny 2 fan, along with other players, is expressing dissatisfaction with the limited selection of legendary trace rifles available in the game. Currently, only two trace rifles can be obtained through completing activities, leaving players frustrated with the remaining options, namely Retraced Path and Acasia's Dejection, which both utilize Solar elemental energy beams. This issue becomes particularly problematic for newer players who are unable to acquire legendary trace rifles attuned to Arc or Void energy, such as Hollow Denial and Path of Least Resistance. Consequently, players are forced to rely on Exotic trace rifles, which may restrict their potential loadouts.
Hollow Denial and Path of Least Resistance were initially introduced in Season of the Haunted and Season of the Seraph, respectively. These legendary trace rifles could be crafted by successfully obtaining and extracting an adequate number of Deepsight Resonance drops in seasonal activities. However, with the launch of the Lightfall expansion, Season of the Haunted and Season of the Seraph activities, as well as the corresponding weapons, were removed. This removal has continued to frustrate newer Destiny 2 players, as they fear missing out on valuable experiences and opportunities, commonly referred to as FOMO.
The introduction of new trace rifles and the Final Shape expansion in future seasons could help alleviate some of the frustration within the Destiny 2 community. Additionally, the inclusion of previous seasonal weapons in the world loot pool may benefit newer players by allowing them to experience weapons from activities that are no longer available.
The upcoming Destiny 2 August showcase has the potential to reveal what players can expect in Season 22, which is set to launch after the showcase. Season 22 has the opportunity to address community criticisms surrounding the Season of the Deep and the limited availability of weapons from past seasons in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.