In a recently shared behind-the-scenes video from Netflix, viewers get a glimpse of Henry Cavill undergoing intense training for a fight scene in season 3 of The Witcher. Set to be released on June 29, this new installment of the popular fantasy series follows the fierce competition among various rulers, sorcerers, and creatures to capture Ciri, while Geralt battles fiercely to protect his reunited family. The premiere episode showcases Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri facing off against Rience and the Scoia'tael at the elven ruins of Shaerrawedd, resulting in a gripping three-way battle that features an impressive continuous shot woven into the larger conflict. Don't miss the opportunity to catch a sneak peek of Cavill's training in this intriguing behind-the-scenes video provided by Netflix. Watch it below.
Under one minute long, the BTS video shows a jacked Cavill sweating it out while rehearsing the scene's complex choreography with stunt performers and fake weapons.
The Witcher Is No Stranger To One-Shot Fight Scenes
Straight off the bat, The Witcher season 3, episode 1 presents yet another exhilarating and dynamic one-shot battle. This is reminiscent of how The Witcher season 1, episode 1 commenced the entire series with a similar one-shot fight sequence in the Blaviken marketplace, where Geralt mercilessly eliminates Renfri's henchmen and earns his notorious alias, the Butcher of Blaviken. While reminiscent of the previous one-shot, The Witcher season 3's Shaerrawedd scene takes care not to mimic the Blaviken skirmish, as it showcases an entirely different dynamic and style of choreography.
The Witcher's stunt coordinator reveals that it took approximately four weeks to choreograph and rehearse the scene featuring Cavill and the stunt team, rehearsing it a staggering 90 times. However, upon arriving at the filming location, they made adjustments to the scene to fit the surroundings, resulting in slight differences between the rehearsal and the final product. Cavill, renowned for his exceptional sword skills, plays a crucial role in bringing scenes like the intense Shaerrawedd fight to life. The outcome resembles a whirlwind, with Geralt at the epicenter while the camera gracefully revolves around him, capturing his impressive defense against a multitude of assailants.