Unleash Your Destiny 2 Potential with Weekly Challenges & Rewards

Get ready for the latest weekly reset in Destiny 2! This week brings new challenges, rewards, and activities to explore From Nightfall strikes and raid rotations to Crucible and Gambit, there's something for every Guardian to enjoy Don't miss out on all the excitement!
Updated on May 23, 2023, the latest reset for Destiny 2 has brought a plethora of missions, challenges, and rewards for players to enjoy. With the annual Guardian Games event and Season of Defiance now over, players can dive into the highly anticipated Season of the Deep. This season promises big changes to the game, including weapon tweaks, balancing efforts, and updates to subclasses and perks.
Bungie has also released a new trailer for the Season of the Deep, giving fans a closer look at the story elements. The trailer reveals that Titan is making a comeback, and players will explore the Methane Ocean to meet with Deputy Commander Sloane, who has been corrupted by the Taken, and a colossal sea creature. Players can take on underwater missions, earn Taken-style weapons, and even go fishing.
In addition to the new seasonal content, the latest reset includes updated weekly challenges, content, and rewards for players to pursue. This includes Nightfalls, Crucible modes, and challenges. Here is everything players need to know about the new content available for the week of May 23.
Weekly Nightfall and Modifiers
Nightfall Strike: The Devil's Lair introduces a set of challenging Hero and Legend modifiers to test your skills. The Hero modifiers include Barrier and Overload Champions, as well as Extra Shields in the forms of Arc, Solar, and Void. Watch out for the Arach-NO! modifier, which spawns web mines when Fallen Vandals are defeated. Combatants will also have more health and be more difficult to stun due to the Galvanized modifier. Use Linear Fusion Rifles and Kinetic Weapons with active Surge elements to take advantage of the Overcharge modifier. And beware of the Threat: Arc Surge: Strand modifier. For even greater difficulty, try the Legend version of the Nightfall Strike, which includes all the previous modifiers and the Equipment Locked modifier, preventing you from changing equipment once the mission begins.
Master Modifiers now include all previous modifiers with the addition of impaired regeneration and the possibility of creating wells of Light upon defeating enemies. Prepare for a challenge with Locked Loadout, Extra Champions, and Extra Shields.
To earn a pinnacle reward, aim for a 200K score. The Nightfall Weapon is yet to be determined.
In Vanguard Ops, the Elemental Modifier is Arc Surge.
The Season of the Deep has arrived, bringing with it a plethora of new activities for players to enjoy. One of the most exciting additions is the return of the destination Titan, which has been revamped with fresh content. Additionally, there are 10 weeks of challenges to tackle, as well as a number of new activities to explore. One of these is the weekly mission called Deep Dive, which takes players on a journey into the depths of the methane ocean to learn about the mysterious Witness. Another new activity is Salvage, a matchmade seasonal event where players must recover Golden Age technology from sunken Arcology structures. And if that wasn't enough, players can now enjoy fishing for the very first time in the franchise's history.
But that's not all – Season 21 also introduces a brand-new Dungeon that will launch on May 26 at 10AM PT. Completing the full checklist of triumphs and claiming the seal will earn players the coveted title of Aquanaut. So dive into the Season of the Deep and explore all the exciting new activities that await you!
The Weekly Mission provides a weekly challenge from the campaign, with a Pinnacle reward for achieving a team score of 100,000 points or higher. Each week, the Vex Incursion Zone changes, offering players the opportunity to earn an exotic gear and a Terminal Overload Key.
This week's Incursion Zone is located in Liming Harbor. Additionally, the Partition missions reset every week, giving players the chance to venture into VexNet and hunt down a major target. This week's Partition mission is titled "Hard Reset."
Lastly, the Raid and Dungeon Rotation provides players with a variety of challenges to tackle.
Introduced in Season 17, Bungie has made older Raids and Dungeons farmable with updated rewards by putting them on a weekly rotation.
This week's featured Raid is Last Wish, while the featured Dungeon is Duality.
Additionally, there are Raid Challenges to take on.
Deep Stone Crypt: The Core Four
Garden of Salvation: A Link to the Chain
Vow of the Disciple: Base Information
Vault of Glass: The Only Oracle for You
King's Fall: The Grass is Always Greener
Throne World Activities now include the Wellspring, which rotates daily and requires defenders to protect it. In addition to the Last Wish challenges such as Strength of Memory, Keep Out, Forever Fight, Which Witch, and Summoning Ritual, players must also face the Root of Nightmares in the Cataclysm Challenge.
Altars of Reflection is a weekly activity available to players through specific markers within the Throne World. These missions typically require players to solve puzzles while battling enemy combatants. The Ritual is a weekly story mission that features the Fire Pit modifier, as well as Overload and Unstoppable champions. In addition, players can also engage in Europa's Exo Challenge, Eclipsed Zone, and Empire Hunt activities, which include Simulation: Safeguard, Cadmus Ridge, and Praksis, The Technocrat. Lastly, the Season of the Deep offers weekly challenges for players to tackle.
Season 21 introduces new challenges for players to tackle over a 10-week period. These objectives range from completing seasonal story content to achieving a specific number of kills, engaging in diverse activities, and more. By accomplishing these goals, players can earn engrams, Bright Dust, seasonal gear, and occasionally, items or resources.
Week 1 Challenges:
Into the Depths I - Finish the "Into the Depths" mission in Week 1 Front Line Salvager I - Complete three Salvage or Deep Dive activities while using Arc or Strand. Defeat 50 Fallen throughout the system. Successful Salvager - Finish five jobs in Salvage activities. The One That Didn't Get Away - Catch 50 fish in any pond. Complete two public events on any destination. EDZ Activities - In the EDZ, gain progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors. Taking All Challenges - Achieve Weekly Playlist Challenges. Spark Defender - Score points in Rift. Bonus progress for igniting the Rift. Standard Issue - Defeat targets in Gambit with Primary Ammo. Bonus progress for Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, and Scout Rifles as well as defeating Guardians. The Fallen Fall - Defeat Fallen combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Bonus progress for tougher combatants. Calibrate Close Range - Calibrate close-range weapons - Sidearms, SMGs, Shotguns, Glaives, and Swords. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians.
Crucible and Gambit
Play three matches to earn a Pinnacle drop.
Tired of playing the same old Crucible playlist? Check out the Weekly Relentless Crucible Playlist featuring Rift mode. If you're in the mood for some team-based action, the Weekly Party Crucible Playlist has got you covered with Momentum Gambit.
Don't forget to explore some of the legacy content. The Trove Guardian can be found in the Hellmouth, and the Nightmare of Jaxx, Claw of Xivu Arath is also lurking in the same area. Take on the Nightmare Activities and see if you have what it takes to come out on top.
Crota, Phogoth, and Ghaul are the three formidable opponents that await contestants in the Dares of Eternity Legend competition. The rotation for the rounds includes facing off against the Hive in the first round, the Fallen in the second round, and culminating in a final showdown against Valus Ta'aurc.
This week, the Dreaming City is under a high curse level, which means that Petra Venj can be located in The Strand and has The Dark Monastery mission available for the next week. The Blind Well is infested with Taken enemies and plagued by Inomina.
If you're up for a challenge, then take on the Ascendant Challenge by venturing through the Ouroborea in the Aphelion's Rest lost sector in The Strand.
Xur, the exotic merchant in Destiny 2, appears every weekend until reset, giving players a limited time to explore his inventory. For the weekend of 5/19, Xur had some impressive items, including the Felwinter's Helm (Warlock helmet), The Dragon's Shadow (Hunter chest armor), and Mk. 44 Stand Asides (Titan leg armor), all costing 23 Legendary Shards. Additionally, he offered Prometheus Lens (Energy Trace Rifle) for 29 Legendary Shards, Hawkmoon (Hand Cannon) for 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, 1 Exotic Cipher, and 1 Ascendant Shard, and Dead Man's Tale (Scout Rifle) for 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, 1 Exotic Cipher, and 1 Ascendant Shard. Players also had the opportunity to acquire Thoughtless (Kinetic Sniper Rifle), Vulpecula (Kinetic Hand Cannon), Lonesome (Kinetic Sidearm), Enigma's Draw (Energy Sidearm), Judgment of Kelgorath (Energy Glaive), Brigand's Law (Energy Sidearm), Shattered Cipher (Heavy Machine Gun), and the Sovereign Armor Set. Don't forget to check back every Friday for a detailed breakdown of all the new exotic gear and rolls that Xur brings to Destiny 2.
Trials of Osiris has been revamped by Bungie to make it easier to participate in and more gratifying to play. Players can now earn rewards by ranking up through playing and completing bounties, eliminating the need for specific win requirements tied to rewards. For the weekend of 5/19, the map for Trials of Osiris is The Dead Cliffs.