Unleash Devastation with the Ultimate Mechabre Sniper Rifle God Rolls in Destiny 2

Unleash Devastation with the Ultimate Mechabre Sniper Rifle God Rolls in Destiny 2

Unlock the true potential of Destiny 2's Mechabre Sniper Rifle with unmatched power and versatility This top-tier weapon boasts an array of formidable abilities, making it a force to be reckoned with in any situation

The Mechabre gained popularity as an outstanding PvP sniper rifle in Destiny 2 when it was introduced during the Festival of the Lost event in 2022. In the subsequent year, it received an updated selection of perks, offering exciting combinations for both PvE and PvP gameplay.

Destiny 2 players searching for a fresh Arc Sniper Rifle have reason to be thrilled about the new Mechabre. Below are the optimal rolls that this weapon can possess, accompanied by informative details regarding its newly added perks.

Destiny 2 Mechabre God Rolls

Unleash Devastation with the Ultimate Mechabre Sniper Rifle God Rolls in Destiny 2

The Mechabre is an extremely powerful Sniper Rifle with a sturdy frame. Although its handling may initially feel slow, it possesses various perks that compensate for this weakness. Notably, the third and fourth column perks greatly impact the weapon's performance, offering specialized rolls for both PvE and PvP activities.

When focusing on PvE content, players have several desirable fourth-column perks to aim for. Voltshot is a viable choice as it efficiently damages Majors and Champions while simultaneously clearing out lesser foes. However, utilizing this perk requires the player to secure a kill and promptly reload. Alternatively, those seeking pure damage boosts should seek a Mechabre equipped with Vorpal Weapon or High Ground.

High Ground provides a 20% increase in weapon damage when players are positioned one meter above the ground. This situational buff can be activated by standing on a Stasis crystal, effectively creating one's own advantageous high ground. It is recommended to pair this damage perk with Alloy Magazine and Clown Cartridge to enhance magazine size and reload speed.

In PvP, there are two ideal combinations, or "god rolls," for the Mechabre:

God Roll 1: Fluted Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Keep Away, Discord

God Roll 2: Fluted Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Snapshot Sights, Opening Shot

Snapshot Sights and Opening Shot are top-tier perks for Sniper Rifles in Destiny 2. Snapshot Sights enhances ADS speed, while Opening Shot improves range and accuracy. Numerous other sniper rifles possess this perk combination, all of which excel when wielded by skilled snipers.

Keep Away and Discord achieve a similar effect as the god-roll mentioned above, but they also offer enhanced handling and airborne effectiveness. Both perks grant accuracy bonuses, although Discord requires a kill to activate, whereas Keep Away only functions when there are no nearby enemies. It presents a worthwhile alternative to the classic Snapshot/Opening Shot combo but necessitates players to adjust to its unique playstyle.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.