Unleash Chaos: Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Wicked Implement Exotic Quest in Destiny 2

Obtain the Wicked Implement in Destiny 2 through fishing and a challenging timed-mission hidden in the Season of the Deep's Deep Dive activity Fish in different locations, deposit at the HELM, locate Hive statues, and complete missions swiftly for success
Destiny 2 players now have access to a new powerful Exotic weapon, the Wicked Implement Scout Rifle, thanks to Season of the Deep. However, obtaining this weapon requires a time-consuming quest and a challenging timed mission. To embark on the Wicked Implement Quest and secure the Exotic Scout Rifle before Season of the Deep ends in August, players must gear up and prepare to face the dangers of the Methane Sea on Titan in Season 21. Here's how to obtain the Wicked Implement in Destiny 2.
Step 1: Fishing In The Throne World
In order to begin the quest, players must travel to Savathun's Throne World. Within the Miasma Fish Pond, there is a hidden objective where players must temporarily set aside their weapons and engage in fishing. The goal is to catch the elusive Whispering Mothcarp fish, which is necessary for progressing through the steps of this secret Exotic quest in Destiny 2. Catching the Whispering Mothcarp can be a test of patience, as its capture rate is completely random. However, it is crucial for players to persevere and continue using bait and relying on luck in order to eventually find a Whispering Mothcarp in Savathun's Throne World.
Step 2: Fishing In Nessus
The key to successful fishing in Destiny 2 lies in exercising patience. However, players can slightly alter the random number generator (RNG) of the Fish Pond by delaying the retrieval of the fish they catch. It is advisable for players to accumulate their stockpile of Legendary and Exotic fish and retrieve them all when the next Fish Pond becomes available. By doing so, the effectiveness of Focused Fishing will be enhanced, increasing the likelihood of catching valuable Legendary and Exotic fish. Each filled bar of Focused Fishing will further boost the odds of encountering these prestigious catches.
Rather than dealing with Failsafe, players will find it more enticing to fly their ships to Nessus. Upon arriving, the optimal strategy is to swiftly navigate on a Sparrow to The Cistern, which is located near the Pools of Luminance. Once the Fish Pond is discovered, it is advisable for players to resist the urge to engage in combat with the Vex and instead indulge in the tranquil activity of fishing in the radiolarian pools, also referred to as "Vex Milk".
Players are in search of a specific fish known as the "Vex Placoderm," an Exotic fish. Obtaining this unique fish infused with Vex energy is crucial for the next phase, where players must return to the H.E.L.M. Once again, fishing relies on chance, so players should exercise patience and come prepared with an ample supply of Bait. Successful anglers will be fortunate enough to catch one of these Exotic fish and progress further in the quest ahead.
Step 3: Fishing In The EDZ
To kickstart the Exotic mission for the formidable Wicked Implement Exotic weapon in Destiny 2, players must seek out the elusive Aeonian Alpha-Betta, one of three Exotic fish required for this endeavor. Found in the Fish Pond located at the Outskirts in the EDZ, anglers will need to exhibit unwavering composure while fishing to catch the prized Aeonian Alpha-Betta.
Step 4: Deposit At The H.E.L.M.
At this stage, it becomes a game of waiting, where players must ensure they have an ample supply of bait and a considerable amount of patience in order to reel in this Exotic fish. Nonetheless, once they have successfully caught this final fish, players can holster their guns and continue their battle with Xivu Arath.
After acquiring the Whispering Mothcarp fish, the Vex Placoderm, and the Aeonian Alpha-Betta, players must then set their fishing rod aside and navigate to the destinations tab to enter the H.E.L.M. Within the Sonar Station, players will discover their Aquarium where they can safely store their fish, similar to depositing motes in the PvPvE activity known as Gambit.
After depositing all three Exotic fish into the designated box, players will be rewarded with a random Exotic along with the crucial item necessary to advance in the quest. The Whispering Mothcarp will grant players the Broken Blade of Strife, the Vex Placoderm will yield the Broken Blade of Ambition, and lastly, the Aeonian Alpha-Betta will procure the Broken Blade of Cunning. These fragmented legendary items will play a vital role in forthcoming events. The completion of the Wicked Implement Exotic Quest requires players to possess all three Broken Blades.
Step 5: Deep Dive Hive Statue Location #1
To proceed with the following phase of the Destiny 2 Exotic quest, participants must partake in a Deep Dives activity. This undertaking can be embarked upon individually, alongside a Fireteam, or with three other players selected randomly. It is strongly recommended to team up with a skilled Fireteam that is collectively pursuing the Exotic quest, as there are additional formidable challenges lying ahead.
Players should progress as usual, descending through the hatch after receiving Ahsa's Gift, and proceed to open the door that leads to the lower levels of the Methane Sea of Titan. When they reach the cluster of yellow coral, they should turn right and continue in that direction, eventually dropping down to discover the first Hive Statue in the Deep Dives activity.
Upon reaching the Hive Statue, players have the option to offer the broken blade. When they do so, the statue will be illuminated by an orange flame. A brief text will appear, stating "A bladed offering, accepted..." indicating that the unfolding of the story has not yet occurred. Meanwhile, Xivu Arath will shout: "LET SPILL INTO THE SEAS OF TITAN, UNTIL THE TIDES RETREAT AT MY NAME."
Step 6: Deep Dive Hive Statue Location #2
After completing the Twilight area of the Deep Dive and finishing the first encounter in the Methane Sea, players can continue with the quest. The next Hive statue is not found in the next section, but rather in the same area as the Twilight mission room. To locate this area, players should head to Ahsa's Gift and turn left. Running in this direction, they will come across a wired floor where they can jump up and discover a door that was previously locked.
Inside this room is the second Hive Statue of the Deep Dive activity. There is nothing else in the room besides the oddly positioned statue, which is identical to the first one but in a different area. Players can activate the statue by offering the Broken Blade of Ambition and will receive the message "A bladed offering, accepted..." Xivu Arath will then shout to confirm the completion of this step, saying "THE WHETSTONE AWAITS. BRING YOUR VIOLENCE LIKE A WAVE AGAINST MINE STONES."
Step 7: Deep Dive Hive Statue Location #3
After obtaining the Blade of Ambition, players should proceed to the Deep Dive activity in the Methane Sea at a depth of 1000 Meters. From there, they should continue downwards. At the 2000 Meter mark, players should veer towards the left, following the path of air bubbles while avoiding falling to the bottom.
By staying on the left side, players will eventually come across the final Hive statue in the Deep Dive. Interacting with this statue will bring them closer to acquiring a new Exotic item for their collection. Here, players can offer the last Broken Blade of Cunning, receiving the message "A bladed offering, accepted..." and triggering another angry voice line from Xivu Arath: "BLADED AND SCABBARD PART WAYS! BARE YOUR VIOLENCE UPON MINE ALTAR."
Step 8: Complete The Midnight Area
At a depth of 2750 meters in the Methane Sea, players should prioritize completing the Midnight activity instead of taking the usual route for the Deep Dive. Instead, they should head towards the right, where the previously locked room is now accessible to the entire Fireteam. Inside, all Fireteam members need to interact with the two opposing Hive Statues and hold the interaction button to unleash a path of violence.
After activating the Hive Statues, players can jump through the water gate located nearby and proceed into the Wrathborn Sink area. Although it is a lengthy section, there is only one direction to follow. As players advance, they will have to confront Khull, the Executioner Knight, a formidable Taken Knight boss who teleports away once a certain amount of damage is inflicted.
Players will then arrive at The Drowning, a Restricted Zone where the architectural presence of the Darkness' Pyramid ships resurfaces. It is crucial for players to ensure they are adequately equipped with ammunition, fine-tuned builds, and charged supers, as the instant they progress onwards, they will embark upon the paramount challenge of this novel Exotic Quest in Destiny 2: a time-sensitive mission.
Step 9: Complete The Mission In Less Than 10 Minutes
Upon entering The Drowning, players will be confronted by The Taken. Once this challenging encounter begins, players will have a limited window of ten minutes to successfully navigate and clear the various areas. To ensure progress, it is crucial to quickly eliminate the spawning Taken and strategically shoot the Pyramid structures in order to access new areas. It is imperative to remember that this specific encounter is surrounded by Darkness, leaving no room for failure.
In the Tirtha Bind area, players must defeat Omen, Blade of the Black Terrace, navigating through a maze-like environment. To effectively damage the boss, players must find and eliminate the "Honed" Taken enemies, which will grant them the Deathly Sharp buff multiplied by three. They will then have approximately one minute to deal damage to the boss, who possesses agile movements and considerable health as a deadly Tormentor.
Once the boss is vanquished, players should proceed through the area to locate the Darkness statue. Here, they can Claim Power and receive the Wicked Implement, an Exotic Scout Rifle that combines Kinetic and Stasis powers. This reward serves as a commendation for their successful completion of the task.