Uncover an Unfair Advantage: Discover How to Effortlessly Master the Latest Destiny 2 Dungeon!

A game-breaking resurgence glitch emerges in Destiny 2's newest Ghosts of the Deep dungeon, significantly simplifying the group challenge and allowing for smoother completion
The latest Destiny 2 dungeon, Ghosts of the Deep, presents a significant challenge for players. However, struggling guardians now have the option to exploit a glitch that reduces revive timers and aids in boss fights. These 3-man pinnacle activities, known as dungeons, test guardians with tough combat scenarios, tricky jumping puzzles, and formidable bosses. Despite being designed for groups, solo players can also take on Destiny 2's dungeons, earning unique cosmetic rewards and boasting rights upon victory.
In the current seasonal model of Destiny 2, aspirational PvE content such as raids and dungeons are released in consecutive seasons for aspiring players. With the introduction of the Root of Nightmares raid in Lightfall, the Season of the Deep features the aptly-named Ghosts of the Deep as its pinnacle activity. In this dungeon, players dive into the depths of Titan's methane oceans to battle Savathun's Lucent Brood and prevent the resurrection of a major villain from the franchise. Ghosts of the Deep is a treasure trove of lore and callbacks, immersing fans in Destiny 2's rich narrative by exploring the history of the three god-beings of the Hive, a story that spans years in the world of Destiny.
Ghosts of the Deep is a challenging dungeon where players face the powerful Lucent Hive forces, who have the ability to resurrect fallen teammates similar to guardians. The gameplay aspect of this dungeon becomes even more difficult as guardians normally have to wait 45 seconds to revive teammates, while also battling two of Destiny 2's toughest bosses. However, Cheese Forever, a well-known Destiny 2 YouTuber, recently shared a video revealing a glitch that allows players to reduce the revive timers in the dungeon. According to Cheese Forever, players can trigger the glitch by wiping between two encounters where the respawn timer is lowered to 15 seconds. This shortened timer persists throughout the entire activity. The video demonstrates Cheese Forever successfully executing the glitch during the traversal section after the Ritual encounter, effectively reducing the revive window to 15 seconds while facing Ecthar. In another instance, the player wipes during the traversal section after defeating Ecthar, resulting in a shorter respawn delay. The comment section of the video reveals that several Destiny 2 players have accidentally triggered this glitch, but they have reported that it does not negatively impact their overall experience of the dungeon.
The glitch provides a helpful opportunity for players who have been struggling to complete Simmumah Ur-Nokru or farm the dungeon Exotic, as the time it takes to make the boss vulnerable is longer than some raid encounters in Destiny 2. It is unclear how long this glitch will remain in the game, as the developers are actively working on addressing such issues with regular patches. Players can enjoy Destiny 2 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.