The Undeniable Necessity of Cayde-6's Return in Destiny 2

Destiny 2's beloved character Cayde-6 returns in The Final Shape expansion, proving his absence was only temporary Fans' connection to the character made his return inevitable and fills the void left by his tragic death
Within the world of Destiny 2, players are tasked with defending The Traveler, an extraterrestrial entity, from its enemy, The Darkness. While the game's storytelling and character development can sometimes be inconsistent, the Vanguards remain a constant presence. These elite Guardians assist other players in fulfilling The Traveler's mission while safeguarding both it and other planets. Currently, Commander Zavala and Ikora Rey serve as Vanguards for the Titans and Warlocks, respectively. The Hunter Vanguard position has remained vacant since the death of Exo Cayde-6 at the hands of Uldren Sov and The Scorn Barons. However, with the upcoming expansion, The Final Shape, Cayde-6 is set to make his highly anticipated return.
Destiny 2 Isn't The Same Without Cayde-6
Since the Forsaken expansion and the death of Cayde-6, Destiny 2 has felt incomplete. As the Hunter Vanguard, Cayde-6 not only fulfilled his role within the game but also brought a lightheartedness with his quick wit and relaxed demeanor. Voiced by the talented Nathan Fillion, Cayde-6 was a refreshing contrast to the serious and studious characters of Zavala and Ikora Rey. His disregard for rules and love of humor made him a relatable and endearing character, leaving a lasting impression on players and NPCs alike. The loss of Cayde-6 was felt by many, including Tower residents like Amanda Holliday, Zavala, and Ikora, as well as his beloved pet chicken The Colonel who now takes up residence in Cayde-6's former spot. With the Lightfall expansion, Bungie has finally paid tribute to the fallen Hunter Vanguard with a memorial in The Tower.
Cayde-6's Return Would Fill The Missing Pieces Left By His Death
The touching memorial for Cayde-6 may have been a misdirection, as The Final Shape announcement trailer revealed his return to action. While the specifics of his resurrection remain unknown, fans were thrilled to see Cayde-6 back in action and interacting with Ikora Rey. His quick wit and determination remain intact, and it will be interesting to see how he navigates the changes in the Destiny 2 world since his absence. Cayde-6 can now provide players with insights into what happened to him after his death and offer his opinions on post-mortem revelations about his character, including entries in the lore book and his signature gear.
One of the most intriguing aspects of Cayde-6's return is how he will interact with former adversaries turned allies such as Empress Caitl, The Spider, and Crow. These characters not only had a hand in Cayde-6's demise, but he also harbored some ill feelings towards them. How Cayde-6 navigates working with them will be a true test of his laid-back personality and his ability to forgive those who have wronged him.
As Cayde-6 rejoins the Guardians in The Final Shape, the concluding expansion for The Light and Darkness saga, the stakes are high. With former foes now on their side, Darkness-wielding Guardians, and resurrected allies, players will need to brush up on Destiny 2's intricate lore to fully comprehend everything that unfolds. Fortunately, Cayde-6's own journey to catch up may make him the ideal Vanguard to guide players through this epic finale.
Destiny 2 is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.