The Ultimate Guide to Destiny 2's Phenomenal Warlock Solar Super and Aspect in The Final Shape!
Experience the ultimate power in Destiny 2 with the new Warlock Solar Super and Aspect in The Final Shape Unleash the full potential of the Light subclass trifecta as you wield familiar tools to combat the enemies of humanity
Destiny 2's upcoming expansion, The Final Shape, will introduce new features and gameplay additions, marking the end of the 10-year Light and Darkness saga.
The expansion will introduce three additional Supers and Aspects for the three existing Light subclasses, enabling players to wield fresh Light abilities within The Traveler.
Warlocks will receive substantial expansions for their repertoire, such as a brand-new Solar Warlock Aspect enabling them to unleash ranged assaults, as well as a Solar Super augmenting the power of their grenades and projectile attacks.
Destiny 2's upcoming expansion, The Final Shape, is drawing near, and a recent showcase from Bungie has provided players with a wealth of information about the exciting new features that will accompany the DLC. This expansion marks the conclusion of the 10-year Light and Darkness saga, and throughout this time, the Destiny 2 experience has evolved significantly, with numerous gameplay additions and core changes. The Destiny 2 sandbox has recently undergone reworks and introduced new tools, such as Light 3.0 subclasses and Strand. The Final Shape will further enhance gameplay by introducing three new Supers and Aspects for each Light subclass, resulting in a complete evolution of the Warlock's abilities.
The decision to introduce these new powers is not only driven by a desire to revitalize the gameplay experience but is also rooted in the lore of the game. The Final Shape takes place inside The Traveler, and this close proximity to its heart grants Guardians the ability to harness new Light powers. While the specifics of each Super and Aspect have yet to be revealed, Titans can look forward to a new ranged axe-throwing Super, while Hunters will gain the ability to blink to select destinations and unleash swirling Arc dagger attacks, among other exciting abilities.
Destiny 2's New Solar Soul Completes the Light Subclass Trifecta
Destiny 2's Warlocks have witnessed a blossoming of their arsenal with the introduction of Light 3.0 subclasses. A popular addition welcomed by fans was the inclusion of "buddies" for both the Arc and Void Warlocks. These companions, known as the Child of the Old Gods and the Arc Soul, are AI-controlled entities that orbit around the Warlock and aid in combat by attacking enemies. While these buddies were well-received, some players were disappointed that Solar subclasses did not have their own companion.
However, this is set to change in Destiny 2's The Final Shape update. A new Solar Warlock Aspect will be introduced, allowing Guardians to launch ranged attacks against enemies. This Solar soul has the ability to scorch and explode enemies upon impact or defeat. With the addition of this new companion, Warlocks will now have a complete set of buddies for each subclass. This exciting tool has the potential to greatly impact the gameplay meta, as seen with the success of the Child of the Old Gods and Arc Soul Aspects before it.
Destiny 2's Solar Super For Warlocks in The Final Shape is a Familiar Tool
Warlocks in Destiny 2 will not only have a new Final Shape Super reminiscent of Radiance from the original game, but it will also include enhanced grenade launches and projectile shooting for increased effectiveness. While it won't have the powerful self-revive perk that made Warlocks exceptional in solo play or PvP, Solar grenades will now behave as if they have a mind of their own, guiding themselves through packs of enemies to cause more damage. Additionally, Warlocks will be able to shoot multiple projectiles simultaneously, resulting in larger explosions with greater impact. The upcoming Destiny 2 Super, The Final Shape, is expected to include hidden perks such as stronger grenades and reduced cooldowns, similar to the original Radiance Super from the Sunsinger subclass. With the addition of the Solar buddy from the additional Aspect, representing all elements, and the return of one of the franchise's oldest Supers, the Warlock class will come full circle in the final chapter of the 10-year saga, providing a satisfying conclusion.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.