The Epic Genesis: Unleashing the Aoi War in Edens Zero

The Epic Genesis: Unleashing the Aoi War in Edens Zero

Edens Zero's offensive against Nero's empire sparks the Aoi War, setting the stage for an intense conflict Unveil the defense of Planet Sandra, the harsh realities of war, Laguna's hidden agenda within Edens Zero, and discover this prelude to an epic battle


The Aoi War has officially begun, plunging the Aoi Cosmos into chaos as the Edens Zero crew finds themselves embroiled in yet another conflict.

Planet Sandra is temporarily safe from the initial threat, but there is still a looming danger as the Nero Empire plans their true offensive. The harsh reality of war becomes apparent, as both innocent civilians and soldiers find themselves caught in the midst of the conflict. Additionally, Laguna's true motives within the Edens Zero are finally exposed.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Edens Zero Season 2, Episode 25, "Prelude to the Aoi War," now available on Crunchyroll.

Following the recent turmoil in the Aoi Cosmos, Edens Zero's storyline hangs precariously on the edge. The latest developments have thrust the entire cosmos into complete disarray. With a catastrophic war looming, the current episode officially kicks off the Aoi War.

With the android purge underway and Ziggy on the loose, the Edens Zero crew finds themselves compelled to become involved in yet another conflict. As the Desert Oasis joins the battlefield alongside other new adversaries, it potentially tips the scales in favor of Edens Zero in the Aoi War. However, a glimpse of the forthcoming events reveals a completely different and opposing scenario. Nevertheless, the course of the narrative remains uncertain and impossible to predict, leaving the outcome of the war hanging in the balance.

The Defense of Planet Sandra

The Epic Genesis: Unleashing the Aoi War in Edens Zero

As a rebel stronghold, Planet Sandra compelled the Aoi Government to dispatch troops in order to eliminate the androids. Despite the initial troops being easily overpowered by Shiki and the others, the Aoi Empire resorted to a more sinister approach – employing a weapon of mass destruction to eradicate the androids. With a particle bomb in their arsenal, the government army devised a plan to tear Planet Sandra apart, resulting in the simultaneous annihilation of androids and humans alike.

Before the Edens Zero crew could react, Orc of the Beast Squad had already activated the bomb. However, Shiki and Hermit quickly neutralized the threat. Shiki hoisted the massive bomb into the planet's atmosphere, while Hermit hacked into it, reducing its power by 90%. Although they had successfully defused the initial danger, a new threat emerged in the form of Poseidon Shura.

The peace enjoyed on Planet Sandra is only temporary, as the Nero Empire is preparing for a true offensive. With the alliance of Desert Oasis and Edens Zero, the rebellion's chances of success have significantly improved. Nevertheless, the Nero Empire's military capabilities pose a formidable challenge, particularly with Oceans 6 and Shura leading the charge.

The Bitter Reality of War

The Epic Genesis: Unleashing the Aoi War in Edens Zero

The Empire's recent offensive on Planet Sandra served as a precursor to the impending cataclysmic war. This small-scale skirmish, however, has already unveiled the harsh reality of warfare and its devastating impact on innocent civilians and soldiers alike. As these individuals are thrust into the frontline by their superiors' selfish ambitions, they too become victims of the conflict.

Once the rebels triumphed in defending Sandra, the captured prisoners of war braced themselves for a severe punishment as customary in such situations. To their astonishment, Goodwin, the leader of Desert Oasis, chooses compassion over cruelty and explains that war is not simply a matter of good versus evil, but rather a clash of different ideologies. He expresses his disdain for the empire while emphasizing that he does not hold any animosity towards those forcibly involved in this conflict. Although Goodwin's intentions are noble, they do not negate the inevitability of millions losing their lives.

Laguna’s True Intentions Within the Edens Zero

The Epic Genesis: Unleashing the Aoi War in Edens Zero

Laguna Husert, a recent addition to the Edens Zero crew, joined after being persuaded by Witch to assist Shiki on Planet Red Cave. Initially, Laguna's only motive for staying on the Edens Zero was to locate a suitable planet within the Aoi Cosmos, as he had become a wanted criminal in the Sakura Cosmos following Drakken Joe's downfall.

However, Laguna's true intentions have now come to light, solidifying his role in the series. Originally hailing from the Aoi Cosmos, Laguna was a member of the rebel group Desert Oasis. However, he betrayed his comrades and sought refuge in the Sakura Cosmos, where he worked for Drakken Joe. Although his actions initially labeled him a traitor, his underlying goal was to identify organizations capable of challenging Poseidon Nero.

After the defeat of Drakken Joe, Edens Zero emerged as the logical choice to find a solution to overthrow the Nero Empire. Weisz concluded that if Edens Zero had rejected Laguna's request to join, he would have eventually allied himself with Elsie Crimson in their quest to defeat Nero. Regardless of the path taken, Laguna's motivations remained pure as he solely sought to rescue his homeland and topple Nero.

A Prelude to War

The Epic Genesis: Unleashing the Aoi War in Edens Zero

In their relentless mission to overthrow Shura, the Edens Zero team sets their sights on Planet Nero 66, the notorious headquarters of their adversary. As the Cosmic Government designs a strategic assault on this very planet and the Desert Oasis lends their support, the crew of Edens Zero devises a cunning plan to elude detection and infiltrate Shura's stronghold.

The season finale concludes with a cliffhanger as the Edens Zero battleship approaches Shura's headquarters. The end credits provide a glimpse of the Aoi War, foreshadowing difficult times ahead for Shiki and his companions. As speculations arise, dedicated fans eagerly await the next season of Edens Zero to see how the storyline unfolds.