Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Identity of Drakken Joe in Edens Zero

Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Identity of Drakken Joe in Edens Zero

Discover the most nefarious character in Edens Zero, Drakken Joe As a criminal overlord with immortality and ether gear alchemy, he holds power over the galaxy His allegiance with Oracion Seis Galactica only adds to his dangerous presence

Throughout their journey in the cosmos, the Edens Zero crew has faced numerous villains and criminals, including Kurenai Kogetsu and Spider, who proved to be formidable foes. However, none can compare to the terror induced by the mere presence of Drakken Joe. Even though his name had circulated throughout Season 1 of Edens Zero, it is not until Season 2 that Shiki and his friends face him for the first time.

Drakken Joe is a well-known criminal in the underground rings of the Sakura Cosmos, with multiple names and aliases. He has earned a place among the Oracion Seis Galactica, a group of powerful space pirates and criminals. While his inexplicable strength is a significant factor in his criminal success, his true notoriety lies in his enigmatic presence, which predates even the oldest characters in the series.

Criminal Overlord Drakken Joe

Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Identity of Drakken Joe in Edens Zero

Drakken Joe's criminal influence stretches across multiple planets within the Sakura Cosmos, including Norma and Guilst. He has established his own criminal empire and now acts as its CEO, overseeing a vast network of criminals. Guilst, once a beautiful planet, has become overrun with crime and corruption due to Drakken's deliberate actions. After the planet was affected by the Chronophage, Drakken took control of a section of it called Belial Gore, which he transformed into his personal spaceship. The population of this ship consists mainly of those who owe Drakken Joe debts, making it yet another one of his crime-ridden projects.

Drakken Joe's Immortality

Despite his reputation for cruelty and greed, Drakken Joe has a surprising principle of avoiding the killing of human beings. However, this principle is not rooted in compassion, but is instead motivated by his desire for money and power. He sees killing as a waste of potential, preferring instead to force people to make money and contribute to his empire's vast riches.

Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Identity of Drakken Joe in Edens Zero

Drakken Joe exudes an enigmatic and foreboding presence, which many attribute to his apparent immortality. His longevity, said to be over two centuries, is shrouded in mystery and has earned him monikers such as 'Undead Joe' and 'DJ Zombie'. Although the source of his unnatural lifespan remained a mystery for the longest time, the Edens Zero crew eventually uncovered the secret behind it.

There was a widespread belief that Drakken Joe's ability to live forever was solely attributed to his Ether Gear power, Dark Alchemy. However, the truth was far more complex. Drakken Joe utilized a Life Support Device to siphon the life force of those around him, effectively shortening their lifespans to extend his own. The machine provided him with a constant source of energy, which rejuvenated his body and powers, allowing him to maintain his youthful appearance and maximum capacity.

Despite already living for more than two centuries, Drakken Joe remained fixated on achieving true immortality and extending his lifespan even further. This obsession was the driving force behind his pursuit of Rebecca's Cat Leaper power, as he believed it would enable him to travel back in time and bolster his vitality and appearance.

Ether Gear Alchemist

Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Identity of Drakken Joe in Edens Zero

With the power of his unique Ether Gear, Drakken Joe possesses the ability to manipulate the elemental properties of objects, making him a formidable opponent. His alchemy skills are unparalleled, allowing him to transform his own body into any material he desires, as well as turning his enemies into stone with ease. This makes it nearly impossible to defeat him, as he can harden his body to counter any attack. Additionally, Drakken Joe is the first character in the series to showcase the true form of Overdrive, achieved by pushing his body to its limits. The physical effects of this transformation are stunning, with his body taking on a more crystalline appearance and Ether lines visibly coursing through his entire being. His demonic appearance represents his corrupt nature and otherworldly powers.

Allegiance With Oracion Seis Galactica

Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring the Identity of Drakken Joe in Edens Zero

Drakken Joe is a member of the infamous Oracion Seis Galactica, a group of criminals that operate multiple rings of crime across the Sakura Cosmos. Each member of this organization possesses immense power, making them formidable opponents to any who dare to cross them.

Despite being a loosely connected group, Drakken Joe's affiliation with the Oracion Seis Galactica is a testament to his status within the criminal underworld of Sakura Cosmos. His involvement with the group alone speaks volumes about his reputation and influence in this dangerous world.