The Unveiling of Drakken Joe's Immortality

The Unveiling of Drakken Joe's Immortality

Discover the enigma behind Drakken Joe's eternal life in Edens Zero Unveil the secret of the Life Support Device and explore the possibility of reversing his immortality The biggest mystery in the Sakura Cosmos has finally been unveiled

Drakken Joe, a long-standing antagonist in Edens Zero, emerges as a major opponent in season 2, establishing himself as a criminal mastermind within the underworld. Despite being mentioned in previous episodes, Joe has yet to be formally introduced to Shiki and the Edens Zero crew, leaving much to be discovered about this enigmatic figure. What is clear, however, is that Joe is no ordinary human, as it has been revealed that he is immortal with a lifespan rumored to exceed 200 years. Despite many characters acknowledging this fact, the means by which Joe has achieved this longevity remain a mystery. However, the latest episode of season 2 finally uncovers Joe's biggest secret, which ironically proves to be his greatest weakness.

Drakken Joe’s Immortality

The Unveiling of Drakken Joe's Immortality

Despite appearing to be in his late twenties, Drakken Joe's true age is rumored to surpass two hundred years. In fact, accounts of his existence predate all known characters, suggesting that he may be even older. Throughout his long life, Drakken has gone by various names and aliases, including 'DJ Zombie' and 'Undead Joe', which reflect the uncanny nature of his unchanging appearance. He has amassed a vast fortune and built a criminal empire, making him one of the most influential figures in the underworld of the Sakura Cosmos. Despite his infamy, no one has been able to uncover the secret to his immortality, which remains a mystery that defies medical understanding.

The Life Support Device

Initially, it was believed that his ability to maintain a youthful appearance was due to his use of Ether Gear Alchemy, which was thought to allow him to manipulate his elemental composition and prevent the aging process. However, it has since been revealed that his unaging body comes at a dark cost - he must cut short the lifespans of others in order to maintain his own eternal youth.

The Unveiling of Drakken Joe's Immortality

The enigmatic Life Support Device is the key to Drakken Joe’s eternal life. Its origins remain shrouded in mystery, leaving one to ponder how this technological marvel was constructed nearly two centuries ago. Despite its ancient origins, this device is still in use today, and it's unclear just how long Drakken has been relying on its powers. Rumors suggest that he even took the device with him during his travels to planets Norma and Guilst.

The machine functions by absorbing the life force of those in proximity to Drakken Joe and utilizing it to rejuvenate his body, effectively reversing the effects of aging. Not only does it restore his physical appearance, but it also replenishes his vitality and cognitive functions, which typically decline with age. It is important to note, however, that the Life Support Device alone cannot deplete others' life force or restore Drakken's vitality. It requires the aid of his Dark Alchemy, which allows him to easily assimilate the stolen life force into his own body. This suggests that only Drakken possesses the ability to harness the machine's power, making it impossible for any other human to achieve immortality through this means.

Reversing Drakken Joe's Immortality

The Unveiling of Drakken Joe's Immortality

Drakken Joe had been able to maintain his youthful looks and immense power with the help of the Life Support Device. However, Hermit and the Edens Zero crew stumble upon the machine and attempt to reverse the life force absorption process, which could potentially end Drakken's eternal life. Despite their efforts, the crew acknowledges that defeating Drakken Joe would still require a lengthy process, even if the machine were to be reversed.

Nonetheless, the series has hinted at a possible outcome where Drakken Joe could rapidly age and wither away without the constant replenishment of his life force. In a scene where Drakken is submerged in the Life Support Machine's fluids, his hand briefly sheds its skin before regenerating. This subtle hint suggests that Drakken could suffer from instant aging and ultimately perish without the machine. Although this outcome has yet to be confirmed, it remains a highly plausible scenario.