Revealing the Shocking Truth Behind Master Noah's Identity in Edens Zero

Revealing the Shocking Truth Behind Master Noah's Identity in Edens Zero

Discover the true identity of the enigmatic Master Noah in Edens Zero Unravel his initial role in the series and explore the secrets of the Galactic Intelligence Agency Don't miss out on this thrilling revelation!

The identities and roles of many characters in Edens Zero are still shrouded in mystery as the series is only in its early stages. While some secrets, such as Drakken Joe's immortality, have been unveiled, others remain hidden from the audience. However, in Season 2, the show finally sheds light on the identity of one enigmatic character - Master Noah. Initially introduced as an antagonist colluding with Drakken Joe, Master Noah's true identity has now been revealed, transforming him into a significant character who will undoubtedly play a prominent role in the show.

Master Noah’s Initial Role in the Series

Revealing the Shocking Truth Behind Master Noah's Identity in Edens Zero

Initially shrouded in mystery, Master Noah was a central figure in all the major incidents surrounding Rebecca Bluegarden, from her trafficking to planet Guilst to her abduction by Drakken for the Cat Leaper power. This led many to speculate that he could be an antagonist, especially since his communication with Drakken Joe was witnessed on multiple occasions. However, his true intentions were revealed during his conversation with Shiki and his friends in World 30, where he shared his desire to defeat Drakken Joe. Though not entirely convincing, his insight about Rebecca being the key to victory and World 30 being the last chance to stop Drakken Joe was invaluable to the crew.

Master Noah’s Actual Identity

Despite the initial negative connotations associated with Noah, his involvement in the event helped clear his name. However, his past actions as an informant for Drakken Joe still raised suspicion among some. Additionally, the fact that he had been keeping tabs on Rebecca since she was a child added a creepy undertone to the situation. Despite this, Noah's unwavering determination to take down Drakken Joe gave him a sense of credibility, although his true intentions remained a mystery.

Revealing the Shocking Truth Behind Master Noah's Identity in Edens Zero

Following Shiki's victory over Drakken Joe and the subsequent retraction of his artificial permanence, the crew heads to planet Bluegarden to meet with Master Noah and discuss the recent events. As Rebecca's Cat Leaper power played a significant role in the defeat of one of Sakura Cosmos' most notorious villains, Master Noah requested that Shiki and his friends remain anonymous heroes. In order to express his gratitude towards the novice group that took down such a formidable enemy, Noah reveals his true identity, feeling both obligated and respectful towards the crew.

Master Noah's true identity has been revealed as a Director of the Galactic Intelligence Agency (GIA), a secret organization within the Cosmic Government. His role as Guild Master of Shooting Starlight was merely a facade to keep an eye on the Sakura Cosmos through the guise of an adventurer. The revelation of his dual identity adds a new layer of complexity to his character, making him a pivotal figure in the story's development. As a result, it's likely that Master Noah will continue to play a significant role in future episodes.

The Galactic Intelligence Agency

Revealing the Shocking Truth Behind Master Noah's Identity in Edens Zero

The GIA, believed to be a subdivision of the Interstellar Union Army, is primarily focused on espionage and infiltration to gather vital intelligence for the Cosmic Government. Despite limited knowledge about the agency, three members have been identified, each with distinct objectives. Notably, Amira has been a recurring character since the Digitalis arc, and her primary mission was to eliminate Drakken Joe using any means possible. With the assistance of Shiki and the Four Shining Stars, she was able to accomplish her goal.

It is revealed that there is a third member in the faction, whose mission is to spy on the infamous space pirate, Elsie Crimson. Although it was never explicitly stated in the series, it is heavily implied that Jesse is an undercover agent for the Galactic Intelligence Agency, as he secretly works for Elsie's crew while also relaying information to Amira behind Elsie's back. Noah, as the Director of the GIA's Sakura Cosmos branch, has the responsibility of supervising all missions within this cosmos. This suggests that Noah is the mastermind behind the espionage missions against the Oracion Seis Galactica members, with Amira and Jesse working under his command.