Pokemon GO: Guide to Obtain Shiny Cresselia & Optimal Moveset

Pokemon GO: Guide to Obtain Shiny Cresselia & Optimal Moveset

Embark on a quest to acquire the elusive shiny Cresselia and master the best moveset for this Psychic-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

Unveiling the Shiny Cresselia

Venture into the realm of Pokemon GO as the enigmatic Cresselia returns to the coveted 5-star raids. As trainers eagerly await this Psychic-type marvel, the burning question arises: Can Cresselia sparkle with a shimmering hue? The answer is a resounding yes! Behold, a radiant variant of this Lunar Duo member graces the game with its subtle yet distinct charm. Keep a keen eye on Cresselia's emerald gem and wings, for they bear the telltale signs of its shiny form. Moreover, the elusive shiny symbol beside its CP stands as a beacon of rarity.

pokemon go shiny cresselia - Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Cresselia

pokemon go shiny cresselia - Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Cresselia

Crafting the Perfect Moveset

Embrace the strategic prowess of Cresselia by delving into its arsenal of formidable moves. While its Fast Moves harness Psychic prowess through Psycho Cut and Confusion, the realm of charged moves unveils a plethora of options. Engage in the art of battle with Moonblast, Aurora Beam, Grass Knot, and Future Sight as your tools of triumph. Let us unravel the tapestry of optimal moves for Cresselia:

  • Psycho Cut: A swift Psychic-type assault empowered by STAB, dealing 5 damage and generating 8 energy. It boasts prowess against Fighting and Poison adversaries while treading cautiously against Steel, Psychic, and Dark foes. Witness its DPS prowess at 8.33.

  • Future Sight: Unleash a charged Psychic onslaught dealing 120 damage and churning 100 energy. Revel in its formidable DPS standing at 44.44.

For those seeking diversity in their moveset, prioritize the graceful Grass Knot and the ethereal Moonblast. Let the synergy of these moves elevate your Cresselia to unparalleled heights of battle prowess.

Embark on your journey to secure the illustrious shiny Cresselia and harness the full potential of its moveset in the relentless world of Pokemon GO.