Ultimate Mega Altaria Raid Guide: Top Counters & Weaknesses

Discover the ultimate guide to defeat the Mega Raid Boss Mega Altaria and encounter a Shiny version in Pokemon GO Boost your gameplay experience with powerful counters and weaknesses, and make the most of the game's exciting in-game events Play now and become a Pokemon master!
Pokemon GO offers a plethora of in-game features to keep players engaged in the gameplay. Whether it's remote raid opportunities or in-person events, the game caters to everyone's preferences. Despite the persistent bugs and glitches that players often encounter, the game still offers several exciting in-game events. One of these events is the Mega Raid, and Mega Altaria has made a comeback as a raid boss.
Mega Altaria is a formidable monster with Dragon and Fairy-type attributes that boast impressive stats in Pokemon GO. The Mega Monster, originating from the Hoenn Region (Gen 3), is known for its strong offensive and defensive capabilities. Moreover, players have a chance to encounter a Shiny Mega Altaria during the Mega Raid. Mega Raids are rare, requiring players to use powerful counters and optimal strategies to emerge victorious. Here's everything you need to know about the current Mega Raid, including its hours, weaknesses, and resistances.
The Mega Altaria raid will take place from May 25 at 10:00 AM Local Time to June 1 at 10:00 AM Local Time. To defeat this dual-type Mega Pokemon, players will need to band together within the time span of the Pokemon GO Mega Raid. It's nearly impossible for a solo trainer to conquer the Mega Raid, so proper meta-knowledge and multiple players are necessary.
Using Fairy, Ice, Poison, and Steel-type attacks will result in extra damage to the Mega Raid boss, as Mega Altaria is weak against these move types in Pokemon GO. However, trainers should avoid using Bug, Dark, Water, Electric, Fighting, Fire, Grass, and Dragon-type attacks, as Mega Altaria is vulnerable to almost double the number of moves than it is weak to.
In addition to move types, it's important for trainers to consider the Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) effect. When a Pokemon's attribute and attack types are identical, the STAB feature can be used by pro players to inflict extra damage.
Best Mega Altaria Raid Counters in Pokemon GO:
Although Mega Pokemon are powerful, they have type weaknesses that can be exploited to defeat them. Mega Altaria is weak to several types in Pokemon GO, so it's important to choose the right counters. Here are the top counters that work best against Mega Altaria.
Fast Move
Charge Move
Bullet Punch
Meteor Mash
Metal Claw
Play Rough
Poison Jab
Sludge Bomb
Galarian Standard Darmanitan
Ice Fang
Steel Wing
Metal Claw
Iron Head
Hero Zacian
Metal Claw
Play Rough
Dazzling Gleam
Metal Claw
Iron Head
Thunder Shock
Double Iron Bash
Roserade's moveset should include Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb to maximize its potential in Mega Raids in Pokemon GO. Additionally, taking advantage of the Weather Boost effect is crucial for success. In particular, it is important to avoid raid locations with Windy or Cloudy weather conditions, as these can actually increase the power of Mega Altaria.
One important thing to keep in mind is that Shiny Mega Altaria can only be encountered during Mega Raid hours. Unfortunately, this exclusive catch is not available in the wild. Players must first conquer the Mega Raid to have a chance at encountering the Shiny Pokemon. However, even after defeating the boss, there is no guarantee that participants will face a Shiny variant. To increase the chances of encountering a Shiny Mega Altaria, players must participate in raids as much as possible, stocking up on raid passes and Pokeballs. It's worth noting that Pokemon GO is available for both Android and iOS devices.