Exploring Remarkable Details in The Last of Us 2

Exploring Remarkable Details in The Last of Us 2

Discover a fascinating detail uncovered by a dedicated gamer in The Last of Us 2, showcasing the intricate design and meticulous craftsmanship behind Naughty Dog's acclaimed masterpiece.

One observant player of The Last of Us 2 recently discovered a phone number in the game that matches a Washington area code, adding to the many details that show the care put into creating the game.

In the Capitol Hill chapter of The Last of Us 2, players can find a secret locked safe in the Wellwisher Thrift Store and Donation Center. The combination to the safe is hidden in the center's bathroom, where a message on the wall prompts the reader to call Staci "for a good time" and provides a phone number, 206-555-0133. By using the final seven digits of this number, players can unlock the safe. The nearby Thrift Store Reminder note provides a hint for unlocking the safe, making it relatively easy for players to figure out on their own.

Staci's Phone Number in TLOU2 Isn't Real, But Its Area Code Is

It turns out that Staci's phone number in The Last of Us 2 may not be real, but it does use a valid area code. A Reddit user named Bi0_B1lly recently pointed out that the number includes the 555 prefix, which is commonly used as a fake dialing code in movies and TV shows. Despite realizing that the number itself was fictitious, they were surprised to discover that the first three digits actually belong to a real area code in Washington state. Specifically, the area code 206 is used for Seattle, the main setting of the game.

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Staci's phone number in the game shows Naughty Dog's dedication to creating a realistic setting for The Last of Us 2. Even the smallest details in the game are inspired by real-life elements, adding to the immersive experience for players.

The Last of Us™ Part II artifact the resort main building stairs - As for this particular detail, discovering Staci's phone number is actually not the only way to unlock the thrift store safe in The Last of Us 2

The Last of Us™ Part II artifact the resort main building stairs - As for this particular detail, discovering Staci's phone number is actually not the only way to unlock the thrift store safe in The Last of Us 2

When trying to unlock the thrift store safe in The Last of Us 2, remember that discovering Staci's phone number is not the only way. You can also listen closely to the sound of the dial as you turn it. The click of the next correct number in the combination will have a unique sound compared to the others. This little trick can also be applied to unlock any other safe in the game.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the meticulous attention to detail in The Last of Us 2, as evidenced by the inclusion of a phone number that matches an actual area code. This detail not only adds to the game's realism but also provides a subtle nod to the game's setting in Seattle. It's impressive how even the smallest elements in the game have been carefully crafted to enhance the player's immersion.

However, the fact that the phone number itself is not real is a bit disappointing, as it would have been an intriguing easter egg for players to discover. Nonetheless, the use of a valid area code is a testament to the game developers' commitment to creating a believable and immersive experience for players.