Unlock the Master Ball: Let's Go Special Research Tasks & Monkey Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO's 'Let's Go' event is a limited-time special research opportunity for trainers Catching all three monkey Pokemon from Generation 5 during this event can be challenging, but the reward is worth it - a Master Ball Don't miss your chance to participate from March 21 to March 29 and evolve Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour into their second forms: Simisage, Simisear, and Simipour
During the Let's Go event from March 21 to March 29, Pokemon GO trainers worldwide can catch three elusive monkey Pokemon from Generation 5: Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour. These Pokemon are typically found only in specific locations, making it challenging for players to capture and evolve them into their second forms: Simisage, Simisear, and Simipour.
This guide covers the Let's Go Seasonal Special Research tasks and their respective rewards. At the time of writing, only three out of the six steps have been revealed. We will update this post with the new steps and their rewards as soon as the information becomes available.
Update as of May 22, 2023: All Let's GO Research Tasks are now available for completion. The highly coveted Master Ball has been added to the game and can be earned by completing Step 5 out of 6. Although the tasks may take some time, obtaining the Master Ball will be well worth it.
Pokemon GO: Let's Go Research Tasks and Rewards
Step 1
Catch 10 Pokemon using 5 Poke Balls, make 10 Curveball Throws with 5 Razz Berries, and power up your Pokemon 5 times using 1000 Stardust to earn a total reward of 1500 XP and a chance to encounter a Mankey.
In Step 2, catch 15 Pokemon using 10 Poke Balls, make 10 Great Throws with 5 Pinap Berries, and transfer 20 Pokemon using 5 Great Balls to earn a total reward of 2000 XP and a chance to encounter a Meditite.
Step 3
Power up Pokemon 10 Times (10 Great Balls) Make 7 Great Throws (1 Lure Module) Defeat a Team GO Rocket Member (3 Revives)Total Reward: 2500 XP and Machoke Encounter
Step 4
Catch 25 Pokemon (2500 Stardust), defeat 3 Team GO Grunts to earn 3 Hyper Potions, make 3 Excellent Throws to encounter a Farfetch'd, evolve 5 Pokemon (2500 Stardust), and battle in a Gym 3 times to receive 1 Master Ball, 1000 XP, and 1000 Stardust.
Claim your rewards now and receive a triple bonus! You'll get 10 Ultra Balls, 2 Silver Pinap Berries, 3 Star Pieces, 1000 XP, and 3000 Stardust. Make sure to complete the Let's Go Special Research tasks before the current season ends on June 1, 2023 to claim your prizes.
Pokemon GO is available now for mobile devices as a free download.