Master the Art of Precision: Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Deadeye Title in Destiny 2

Master the Art of Precision: Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Deadeye Title in Destiny 2

Master the art of weapons and earn the prestigious Deadeye title in Destiny 2 Discover the secrets and strategies to obtain this coveted accolade

Regardless of the chosen title in Destiny 2, dedication, time, effort, and skill are essential. The game is designed to be played for many hours, requiring significant time investment from players. Besides obtaining ritual weapons like Veles-X, there are titles that will take longer to achieve than others.

A prime illustration of this is the Deadeye title, which stands out as it is not unlocked through a specific activity or event like most other titles. To acquire the Deadeye title, players must demonstrate complete mastery over all weapons in the game.

How to Get Deadeye

Master the Art of Precision: Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Deadeye Title in Destiny 2

It will take players some time to acquire Deadeye as they will need to accomplish 31 Triumphs specified in the Deadeye seal. The associated Triumphs for this challenging task are as follows. In order to make this guide easier to navigate, the Triumphs have been divided into smaller tables.

Weapon Flair: Get precision kills and close range kills in Gambit.

Weapon Focus: Get weapon kills (both precision and non-precison) in Nightfalls without dying.

Three Birds, Three Stones: Defeat other players in the Crucible with all three weapon categories (Kinetic, Special, Power).

Ritual of the Season: Defeat enemies while using a weapon that matches the current Seasonal weapon.

Season's Greetings: Defeat enemies with a seasonal weapon.

Weapon Archivist: Unlock entries in the collections tab by acquiring weapons.

Dark Age Arsenal: Win a Gambit match where every weapon equipped is one that is obtained through Gambit.

Munitions Variety Pack: Defeat enemies with all three weapon categories (Kinetic, Special, Power)

Sweet Spotter: Defeat PvE Combatants by hitting their weak point with precision damage.

To progress in this stage of the title, Destiny 2 players should focus on obtaining weapons by completing Gambit matches. This strategy will enable players to achieve multiple triumphs simultaneously. Apart from that, completing the Three Birds, Three Stones, and Weapon Focus triumphs will simply require a significant amount of time. Moreover, players will need to accumulate a substantial number of kills using each type of weapon (excluding Glaives).

As there are 15 triumphs solely related to achieving kills with different weapon types, this phase of Deadeye will take a considerable amount of time. The remaining triumphs will require players to not only accumulate kills with each weapon type (excluding Glaives, as well as all Power weapons except Linear Fusion Rifles) in the Crucible, but also to earn very specific Crucible medals associated with those weapons. Some weapons, such as Sniper Rifles and Linear Fusion Rifles, will require both regular and precision kills. Below is a list of the weapons and their respective medals.

While there is no Triumph associated with Linear Fusion Rifles for this step, players will have to get 100 kills with them to obtain the Fusion Rifle Triumph.

Assault Rifle: Assault Specialist

Pulse Rifle: Lethal Cadence

Scout Rifle: Field Scout

Hand Cannon: Hawkeye

Bow: My Bowfriend's Back

Sidearm: One for Each of You

Submachine Gun: Sub Machinist

Shotgun: Close Encounters

Sniper Rifle: Mission Control

Fusion Rifle: Cold Fusion

Trace Rifle: [No medal needed, just 100 kills]

Grenade Launcher: Calculated Trajectory

To obtain each medal in Destiny 2, players must achieve three kills using the designated weapon without being eliminated. In certain instances like My Bowfriend's Back, players must attain three precise kills. Assists also contribute towards this objective. Consequently, acquiring these final Triumphs will necessitate a considerable investment of time, dedicated practice, and substantial skill.

Destiny 2 is currently accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.