Master the Art of Fishing in Destiny 2: Season of the Deep

Master the art of fishing in Destiny 2's Season of the Deep with our comprehensive guide Learn how to unlock fishing, catch the best fish, and reap the rewards of your catch
Season of the Deep, the second Season of Year 6 in Destiny 2, brings a range of new content to the game, including new seasonal activities and a new dungeon. However, Bungie has also added an unexpected feature that is sure to please players looking for a more leisurely experience: the ability to fish. The reveal was made in the trailer for Season of the Deep, which also teased the continuation of the story between Lightfall and The Final Shape, set to be released in early 2024. In this article, we'll show you how to unlock fishing and the rewards you can expect to reap from this new activity.
Unfortunately, fishing cannot be accessed right away in the game. To unlock this feature, players need to complete the first week of the "Into the Depths" quest as well as the intro mission. Once completed, a new quest called "Gone Fishin'" will become available. The first task of this quest is to speak with Hawthorne in the Tower.
To begin the fishing quest, players must first gather 20 Bait. This can be achieved by completing playlist activities, Season of the Deep activities, patrols, public events, or by finding destination materials. Each destination material found grants one Bait, while completing patrol missions will grant two. However, the most efficient method for obtaining Bait is by completing Heroic public events, which will grant seven to eight Bait. Once the required amount of Bait is collected, the quest will update and players will need to travel to the Outskirts to begin fishing.
Before embarking on the fishing quest, players should familiarize themselves with the process.
At the Outskirts of EDZ, there's a serene Fishing Pond that players can locate with ease by looking for a glowing beam of light hovering over the spot. This area offers an exciting new activity where players can engage in fishing across three different locations - The EDZ, Nessus, and Savathun's Throne World.
To start fishing, approach the water and hit the button prompt (Square on the PlayStation 5). Keep a close eye on the bobber, and press the same button to reel the fish in when it disappears beneath the water. Timing your catch perfectly as the bobber dips will result in a Perfect Catch, enhancing your chances of catching higher quality fish.
Upon catching a fish, a player's inventory will consume one Bait. It's possible to fish without Bait, but the chances of catching a higher quality fish decrease. In total, there are 28 distinct fish that can be caught, including 10 Legendary quality, 14 Rare quality, and 4 Uncommon quality fish.
Unfortunately, the Fishing Pond isn't a permanent fixture and will despawn if a public event begins in the same area. However, players need not worry as a new pond will appear shortly after the public event finishes.
Rewards for Fishing:
For players seeking rewards for fishing in Destiny 2, there are some to be had, though they may not be particularly thrilling. In the H.E.L.M's new section, there's a fish tank where caught fish can be stored. Each new type of fish added to the tank will yield a reward, potentially including some of the latest seasonal weapons. Besides that, this is a decent source of Glimmer and reputation.
Moreover, the first time a player catches a fish, they'll see it swimming around in the H.E.L.M fish tank. As more fish are caught, decorative items for the tank can be unlocked. Additionally, catching fish is a requirement for earning the new seasonal title.
Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.