Master Solo Flawless in Destiny 2's Ghosts of the Deep

Master the challenging new Destiny 2 dungeon, Ghosts of the Deep, solo and flawlessly with our expert tips Our guide covers the best Solar Titan build, fragments, aspects, armor, mods, and weapons to use for each encounter Break the ritual, conquer the underwater journey, defeat Ecthar, and overcome Simmumah Ur-Nokru with ease
The latest dungeon in Destiny 2 takes players on a perilous journey through the methane sea of Titan and the frightful Lucent Hive. The Ghosts of the Deep pose a formidable challenge, especially for those who brave the darkness alone without the support of a fireteam. A swarm of Acolytes and other threats will overwhelm players who are unprepared for the intense battles that await them.
For some players, completing the Ghosts of the Deep solo is a significant achievement. However, the true test of skill and determination lies in achieving a flawless solo run through this dungeon. The journey will be fraught with challenges and thrills, but the rewards for completing this feat will be unique and well-deserved.
Alone In The Deep
By completing all the encounters in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon solo and without leaving, players can earn the Alone in the Deep triumph. This triumph is crucial for claiming the Ghoul title and provides an increased chance at obtaining The Navigator, an exclusive Exotic Trace Rifle that is considered one of the best in Destiny 2. It's important to note that leaving the dungeon, even with a checkpoint, will cancel the triumph, so players must commit to completing it in one go. While flawless completion isn't necessary, players may want to consider a specific build to increase their chances of soloing the dungeon flawlessly.
Solar Titan Build
The Titan class in Destiny 2 offers the best survivability compared to other classes. However, Solar Titans stand out among all subclasses for their unparalleled survivability. For solo flawless dungeons, lost sectors, and especially Season 21's Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon, Solar Titans are the most efficient. To ensure success and survival in Ghosts of the Deep, players should equip Healing Grenades and choose the right Aspects and Fragments for this Solar Titan build.
Ember of Solace
Extending the duration of both Radiant and Restoration effects on the player is crucial. With Restoration, players can regenerate their health and shields without any interruption from enemy damage. Meanwhile, Radiant amplifies the damage dealt by players to their opponents, making it a valuable asset in combat.
Ember Of Empyrean
The Ember of Empyrean Solar Fragment may decrease a player's Resilience by -10, but the real advantage lies in the prolonged duration of Restoration and Radiant effects that they can gain from using their Solar weapons or abilities to deliver the final blow.
Ember Of Singeing
Ember of Singeing enhances a player's ability to recharge their class ability faster when they Scorch targets. The Scorch ability inflicts Solar Light damage over time, which can be further amplified by Ignition stacks. By utilizing the Throwing Hammer, players can repeatedly Scorch and Ignite targets, allowing for a more efficient regeneration of their class ability.
Ember Of Torches
To become Radiant in the game, players and fellow Guardians can use powered melee attacks against their enemies. For this Titan build, Ember of Torches remains a crucial element even with a -10 Discipline. The Throwing Hammer is the key to survival and constant healing of the Guardian, which can be achieved through repeated throws and kills.
Best Aspects
Roaring Flames
Pairing with Throwing Hammers, Roaring Flames enhances the damage of all Solar abilities by up to 3 Stacks when final blows are made with Solar abilities or ignitions. This Aspect also allows players to equip 2 Fragments, making the extra Solar damage crucial for Throwing Hammers.
Sol Invictus
Solar ability kills will result in the creation of Sunspots. This means that when using Hammer of Sol or eliminating enemies with Throwing Hammer, a burst of Sunspots will be unleashed on the battlefield. These Sunspots not only provide Restoration but also increase the speed of ability regeneration and cause Scorch and damage to enemies within their radius. Additionally, this Aspect offers two Fragment slots for further customization.
Armor, Mods, And Weapons
Players should equip the Synthoceps Exotic Arms for this build. These Titan gauntlets offer the Biotic Enhancements Exotic Perk, providing increased melee lunge range and improved melee damage when surrounded. This is a crucial perk for this build. For the Arms Armor Mods, players should prioritize Heavy Handed which generates Orbs of Power upon powered melee final blows. Additionally, Impact Induction reduces grenade cool-down with melee attacks, allowing for a constant stream of Healing Grenades. The third recommended Arms Mod is the Solar Loader, which boosts the reload speed of Solar weapons. Don't forget to equip the
as well.
Having 100 Resilience is crucial for armor stats as it provides players with a 40% damage reduction. To further enhance this reduction, players can equip Void Resistance, Arc Resistance, and Concussive Dampener as Chest Armor Mods to counter the attacks of the Lucent Hive, which include area-of-effect, Void and Arc attacks.
For the Helmet Armor Mods, players should opt for 2 Solar Siphons, which generate Orbs of Power upon final blows with solar weapons. Additionally, Heavy Ammo Finder will increase the chances of obtaining Heavy Ammo, particularly with primary ammo final blows.
To enhance their leg armor, players should consider equipping the Solar Weapon Surge mod to boost the power of their Solar weapons and abilities. They can also benefit from Solar Scavenger, which increases the ammo reserves of their Solar weapons when picking up ammo used by that weapon, and Recuperation, which restores health when picking up an Orb of Power. For the class item armor mods, players could benefit from equipping 2 Time Dilation mods to extend their Armor Charge duration, allowing them to maximize their damage output between Orb of Power pick-ups.
A combination of a Scout Rifle and a Solar SMG is recommended for weapons. While the Throwing Hammer is powerful and may be the primary choice, a Solar SMG is a good option due to its fast firing rate and ability to remove Lucent Hive Solar shields. Additionally, a Scout Rifle is a wise choice for tackling difficult enemies from a distance.
Players should equip themselves with two Exotic Power Weapons to successfully navigate Ghosts of the Deep. The Xenophage, with its Solar Machine Gun and powerful kicks, should be the first choice. Later in the dungeon, the Tractor Cannon will come in handy as the second Exotic Power Weapon. Don't forget to bring both for maximum effectiveness.
Break The Ritual, First Encounter
As you enter the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon, your first task is to Break the Ritual by attacking the Hive Knights at the Ritual site. If you want to Solo Flawless this dungeon, it's recommended that you keep your distance and use Scout Rifles or Throwing Hammers to stay in a constant stream of Radiant and Restoration effects. Don't forget to keep
at hand to ensure your success.
The Xenophage is the ultimate weapon for taking down Ogres, Wizards, and Lucent Hive Light Bearers. It has the power to one-shot Wizards and stun the Hive Light Bearers and Ogres, making it a valuable asset in combat. Save the Titan Super for emergencies, as it can be used as a powerful defensive tool. Completing the first encounter requires repeating the Ritual step four times.
Underwater Journey
Players face a daunting journey after their first encounter with Ghosts of the Deep. They must descend into the deep, ensuring survival to avoid restarting the jumping puzzle and losing their opportunity for a flawless run. Failure will lead to the smugness of Xivu Arath, so success is crucial.
To avoid being crushed under the methane pressure, players should focus on replenishing their air bubbles while underwater. Although the journey is not too lengthy, there are also obstacles such as the Hive boundaries that players need to navigate through before reaching the second encounter.
Ecthar, The Shield of Savathun, Second Encounter
Players will face the greatest risk during the Ecthar encounter, where they must rely solely on their Throwing Hammers and the Tractor Cannon instead of their guns. To start the encounter, players will throw their hammers to create Sunspots and Restoration effects, while also strategically placing Orbs of Power throughout the battlefield for later use.
It's crucial to commit the Hive symbols required to enter Ecthar's damage phase to memory and to have Throwing Hammers prepared to take down the Wizard Light Bearers. During the damage phase, players should utilize their Hammers of Sol Super to eliminate Ecthar's shield and produce Sunspots in close proximity to the boss, making it easier to defeat Savathun's warrior.
However, things get challenging when players exhaust their Super. To counter this, they should approach Ecthar and use the Tractor Cannon Exotic Power Weapon to inflict Void Suppression and deal bonus damage. Then, they can spam their Throwing Hammer, which can cause up to 100,000 damage per throw. This tactic may require 4 to 5 phases, and players who are losing health too quickly can benefit from throwing a Healing Grenade.
Simmumah Ur-Nokru, Lucent Necromancer, Third Encounter
After the demise of Ecthar, players will need to make adjustments to their loadout. Re-equipping the Xenophage is imperative, and modifying their Leg Armor Mods is also necessary. To maximize the damage output of the Xenophage, players should have 3 Solar Weapon Surges. This weapon will be essential in defeating Simmumah Ur-Nokru, but players must ensure they have enough Heavy Ammo during the damage phases.
Dealing with Simmumah Ur-Nokru can be time-consuming, as this boss has a staggering 9 million HP. The encounter is fraught with danger, with swarms of Acolytes and Knights, and Simmumah's ability to shoot arc moths that can instantly kill the player if multiple hits are taken. To survive, players should prioritize killing the Hive Knights, as they do not respawn until the next damage phase. Simultaneously, players must remain vigilant and watch out for Simmumah's arc moths.
To defeat the boss in Oryx's corpse room, players will require 5 to 7 damage phases. The most effective approach during Simmumah's damage phase is to gather enough Orbs of Power to maintain Armor Charges and unleash the Hammers of Sol Super to eliminate the wizard boss' shield. Following this, players should aim for consistent shots with the Xenophage until the damage phase concludes. This strategy may take some time, but it has proven to be highly successful. Destiny 2 can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.