Destiny 2's Unpopular Monetization Feature Continues to Disappoint Players

Destiny 2's Unpopular Monetization Feature Continues to Disappoint Players

Destiny 2's latest monetization feature has left players dissatisfied and disappointed with Bungie's decision, as criticisms continue to pour in

Despite Destiny 2's success, players are still hesitant to pay for a gameplay feature that was once included with DLC or seasonal content. Recent criticism towards Bungie's approach to certain aspects of the game has resurfaced past issues, causing discontent within the community. Bungie's silence on certain issues suggests they may not perceive them as problems, including the handling of more recent Dungeon releases such as the Hive-themed Ghosts of the Deep.

The current monetization of Dungeon content in Destiny 2 has left the community dissatisfied, with many expressing their displeasure about Bungie's decision to introduce Dungeon key DLCs. Previously, Dungeons were included in major yearly expansion packs or seasonal content. However, this changed with the release of the 30th Anniversary content pack in late 2021, with all subsequent Dungeons being standalone paid releases. Players can purchase them individually or buy the yearly Dungeon key for access to two specific Dungeons. Despite complaints from the community, the practice of treating Dungeons as a separate purchase option has persisted for years and shows no signs of changing.

It is important to note that Bungie has implemented various monetization strategies in Destiny 2, aside from the Dungeon key DLC. For instance, the armor pieces from the recent Playstation collaboration can only be obtained by purchasing Silver, which cannot be earned within the game. This has raised concerns among fans that Bungie may adopt similar tactics for the upcoming live-service extraction shooter, Marathon. While it remains uncertain how Bungie will approach monetization for that game, the community has expressed dissatisfaction with the current aggressive monetization systems in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.