Destiny 2's Exotic Focusing Feature Leaves Players Frustrated

Destiny 2's Season of the Deep introduces exotic engram focusing with the Cryptarch, but players have encountered a frustrating issue with the feature Despite a plethora of new content and updates, the issue with exotic engram focusing is hindering the player experience
Season of the Deep introduces an exotic focusing feature with the Cryptarch, but Destiny 2 players have encountered a frustrating issue with it. With the highly anticipated Season 21 now live in the game, Bungie has delivered on its promise to bring a plethora of new content for players to dive into. Along with an engaging new storyline and seasonal events, Season of the Deep also boasts numerous updates and changes to vital components of the game.
As previously revealed, Destiny 2 subclasses have undergone significant tweaks, weapons have been balanced, and many exotic items have received a long-overdue buff. Fishing has been introduced as a new activity, allowing players to take a break from the high action and intense moments of the game. Additionally, the engram focusing system has been expanded, and players can now decrypt exotics with Rahool, which was not possible before.
Similar to other vendors, players now have the option to take their exotic engrams to Cryptarch Rahool at the Tower and focus them into something they may not have. However, Destiny 2 players have encountered issues with the mechanic. Several Reddit posts reveal users who have attempted to focus their valuable and rare exotic engrams with Rahool, only to receive armor with hilariously poor statistics.
For example, Hunteractive posted a screenshot of their Cyrtarachne's Facade Lightfall exotic helm that was focused at Rahool with a very low overall score of 55. Similarly, Rylein focused a Star Eater Scales exotic chest piece which had an overall score of 59. These low roll items have left many players disappointed, considering how rare exotic engrams are, as well as the resources required to focus them. Many comments suggest that this feature isn't currently worth it and urge Bungie to establish a minimum value that justifies it.
Interestingly, some players have reported receiving gear with impressive overall rolls of 64 or 65 when using the Exotic Focusing System. Despite this stroke of luck, the high cost of focusing exotic gear has left many questioning whether the rewards are worth the risk.
Bungie has yet to comment on the effectiveness of this new feature. However, considering their track record of listening to player feedback, it's possible that they may take a second look at the system in the future. This was demonstrated following the release of the Lightfall expansion, when the community voiced concerns about Cabal Thresher ships causing issues for players.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.