Why Animal Crossing: New Horizons Needs to Embrace the Iconic Skyrim Element

Why Animal Crossing: New Horizons Needs to Embrace the Iconic Skyrim Element

Animal Crossing: New Horizons could elevate players' creativity by allowing them to play as animal avatars, adding a fresh and immersive dimension to the game

Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Skyrim may seem like two entirely different games, but they both share a common thread - the ability for the player to build their character's life in a fantasy world. While Animal Crossing takes place in a peaceful village and Skyrim boasts a harsh medieval setting, there is one feature from Skyrim that would be a perfect addition to Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Despite the many new experiences introduced in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the game still retains the core elements that made its predecessors so beloved. Players are no longer moving to a new town, but rather are among the first inhabitants of a brand new island. They can decorate their own house and spend time designing the island to their liking, while befriending a vast array of animal villagers that can move onto the island. This results in a warm and friendly atmosphere that is characteristic of the Animal Crossing series.

It Would Make Sense For Animal Crossing to Let Players Play as Animal Avatars

Why Animal Crossing: New Horizons Needs to Embrace the Iconic Skyrim Element

Despite the vast variety of animal species that make up the villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it is quite surprising that players are only able to play as humans. This seems odd, especially considering the game's title. Furthermore, many of the game's adored villagers have become favorites due to their unique animal designs. Although players have some customization options for their characters, playing as a human can feel dull in comparison to the vibrant and colorful animal supporting characters. Ideally, a future update or entirely new game could revolutionize this dynamic for players.

Similar to Skyrim's diverse race options, the next step for Animal Crossing: New Horizons could include the chance for players to play as various animal species. As the NPCs and villagers are already animals, this new feature would not be out of place. Players would have the opportunity to base their characters on their favorite in-game animal, which could range from expected options like wolves, foxes, and cats to more eccentric choices such as lizards and birds. After spending years with these endearing animal characters, it is only fair that players should finally have the chance to play as one themselves.

Allowing players to play as animals in Animal Crossing: New Horizons opens up endless possibilities for customization. Fans have already showcased their creativity with their avatars and islands, but adding animal characters would take it to the next level. The new feature would allow players to inject even more personality into their avatars and it wouldn't be surprising to see a significant portion of players represented by animal avatars. It's a natural idea for the series and the success of Animal Crossing's own villagers proves that players have the potential to come up with excellent designs. While it may be too late for an update to grant players this ability, it's exciting to think about the possibilities for the next game in the series. Animal Crossing: New Horizons could pave the way for players to make their own animal avatars for the first time in the series.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now for the Nintendo Switch.