On social media, players of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim have come together to share and debate their opinions on which quests they believe to be the worst in the base game and expansions. While each playthrough of Skyrim is unique due to the inclusion of mods, not every quest in the vast land of the Nords has been well-received.
Despite the game being on the market for almost 12 years, discussions about Skyrim remain a popular topic on social media. With each playthrough, players bring a new and controversial perspective to the forefront, debating which talents and builds are the best and which stand out from the rest. While some quests may not be everyone's favorite, a group of players have gathered to discuss the most dubious quests in the game and explain why they believe them to be so.
On the r/skyrim subreddit, a user named hecatetheguitarist posed the question of which Skyrim quests players find the most detestable. The thread quickly gained traction, with over 1.3k upvotes and 370 comments in just one day. Many players expressed their disdain for the quests associated with the Soul Cairn, citing them as some of the worst experiences in Skyrim. However, some players had differing opinions, particularly when it came to the quest to kill Paarthurnax, the dragon atop the Throat of the World and leader of the Greybeards. Despite his position of power, Paarthurnax has never been completely hostile to the Dragonborn during most of the main quests, leading players to show sympathy towards him.
Other quests, such as "Diplomatic Immunity," were also mentioned as some of the most challenging. Players bemoaned the fact that they couldn't go after the Thalmor directly at that point in the story. While stealth and thievery builds have been popular choices in The Elder Scrolls games for years, some players on the r/skyrim thread opted for magic or melee combat instead. Additional quests that involved collecting key items, such as Crimson Nirnroots and the 24 Stones of Barenziah, as well as quests that required the Dragonborn to explore dangerous Dwemer ruins, also received negative feedback from Redditors.
As fans eagerly await The Elder Scrolls 6, many are turning to Starfield to hold them over in the meantime. It remains to be seen how both of these highly anticipated games will fare in the future, but for now, players can enjoy the recently released The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition on multiple platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.