Discover the Mind-Blowing Secret of Skyrim's Ebony Warrior

Discover a mind-blowing detail about Skyrim's Ebony Warrior Unveiled by a sharp-eyed gamer, this detail illuminates why the Ebony Warrior is one of the most difficult bosses to defeat in the game
A keen-eyed Skyrim player has uncovered a fascinating detail about the Ebony Warrior that the majority of players may not be aware of. As one of the most formidable bosses in the game, this new discovery sheds light on exactly why he is so difficult to defeat.
While Skyrim's bosses have often been criticized, the Ebony Warrior stands out as an exception to the rule. Only those who have reached level 80 will face him in a final and honorable battle to the death. This fight has become renowned within the Skyrim community, and many players choose not to even attempt it. The following clip reveals why the battle may be even more challenging than expected, and could result in an unwelcome surprise for some players.
Redditor AnkokunoMasaki pointed out that the Ebony Warrior in Skyrim has fall damage immunity. In a clip, they demonstrated this by shouting him off a mountain, only for him to emerge unscathed. Users in the thread attribute this to the boss mechanics, where only the player's killing blow counts, rendering fall damage ineffective. This removes a major advantage from the Dragonborn's arsenal.
Defeating the Ebony Warrior is often considered the ultimate endgame goal for many Skyrim players, surpassing even the main quest line. Preparation for the battle can take hours, and even then victory isn't guaranteed. While one player managed to defeat the Ebony Warrior with a single hit, this is a rare accomplishment. The boss can also use the Dragonborn's shouts against them, making it a challenging fight for most players.
While The Elder Scrolls games have had boss battles in the past, they have never fully utilized their potential. Skyrim's Alduin was too easy to defeat, and Oblivion's Mehrunes Dagon was essentially defeated in a cutscene. However, the Ebony Warrior sets the standard for what a boss battle in The Elder Scrolls should look like. Although it is unlikely that he will make a return in The Elder Scrolls 6, it is hoped that the game will feature renewed focus on boss battles that provide new and unique challenges to players. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.