Unveiling the Secrets: How to Summon the Blood Moon in Zelda

Discover the secrets of the blood moon in The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Unravel the mystery behind its appearance and learn the different ways to summon it Explore this eerie feature and unlock its full potential in your gameplay
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild featured the enigmatic and eerie blood moon, which proved to be a somewhat complicated mechanic that was difficult to exploit. However, in its sequel, The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, summoning a blood moon has become a much simpler task.
In Tears Of The Kingdom, the blood moon serves the same purpose as it did in Breath Of The Wild. When the blood moon rises, all slain enemies since the last blood moon (or the start of the game, if the player has not encountered a blood moon yet) will respawn, except for bosses and some regular enemies that may be nearby at the time of the blood moon. This includes mini-boss enemies like Lynels and Constructs, which can be killed repeatedly after the blood moon respawns them to farm valuable materials and rupees. Additionally, summoning the blood moon resets dropped weapons, materials, and ore, as well as ensures a successful cooking performance.
7 Days of In-Game Playtime
The most well-known way to summon a blood moon is also the most challenging to manipulate, as it requires waiting. At precisely 12:00 AM after seven in-game days have passed, the blood moon will automatically trigger. Unfortunately, this time does not include time spent on menus or resting at the campfire, so there is no quick way for players to hasten the process of summoning the blood moon.
As each hour of in-game time translates to one minute in real time, players can expect to encounter a blood moon naturally after about two hours and forty-eight minutes of gameplay in real time. The cycle is perpetual, which means that the blood moon will repeat every two hours and forty-eight minutes that the player spends in Tears Of The Kingdom.
Even though resting at the campsite or idling in the menu won't speed up the process naturally, summoning the blood moon using this method is the most reliable and consistent. However, players should be mindful of low game memory.
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This method can be triggered at almost any time by exploiting the mechanical purpose of the blood moon. The blood moon game mechanic was designed to ensure that players who tirelessly explore the vast world of Tears Of The Kingdom searching for enemies and materials never reach a dead end. The blood moon continuously respawns slain enemies and uncovered items, making the game feel virtually infinite.
If players choose to clear out all enemies and items in certain areas, they may trigger a blood moon event that will replenish the previously cleared out resources. However, this strategy requires powerful weaponry and access to the Ultrahand ability to quickly navigate the area. It is not recommended for beginners, but can be a useful tactic for more advanced players. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is now available on the Nintendo Switch.