Unlock the Secrets of Gerudo Canyon: Passing Naia's Test in Zelda

Prove your worth to Gerudo guard Naia and enter the treacherous Gerudo Canyon in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Overcome unpredictable weather and challenges to pass Naia's test and gain access to this dangerous but rewarding area
In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link approaches the entrance of Gerudo Canyon and is met by Naia, a vigilant Gerudo guard. Naia wastes no time in warning Link about the perilous conditions that lie ahead, especially the unpredictable weather of the area.
To ensure that Link is prepared for the challenges he will face, Naia presents him with a straightforward test: answering four questions correctly. This will demonstrate his ability to withstand the harsh elements and emerge victorious. Below are the four questions that Naia will ask, along with their correct answers, and some additional tips to help Link survive in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
All of Naia's Questions and Answers in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Shortly after crossing the Digdogg Suspension Bridge, Link will encounter Naia at the entrance of Gerudo Canyon Pass. Naia's sole purpose is to assess Link's ability to survive in the harsh weather conditions of the canyon. To do so, she challenges Link with four increasingly difficult multiple-choice questions. Answering all four correctly will reward Link with a single Spicy Pepper that can be used to cook cold resistance food. This guide not only provides the correct answers to Naia's inquiries but also offers valuable advice to improve Link's chances of surviving in the region's unforgiving environment.
Link has multiple options for warming up in Tears of the Kingdom. One of the simplest ways is to start a fire, but it requires specific materials. Firstly, Link needs to gather wood, which can be acquired from a wooden weapon, tree branch or gathered lumber. Additionally, Link needs either a piece of Flint or a flammable material like a Fire Fruit or Red Chuchu Jelly.
Link can start by placing the wood on the ground and then choose to either strike a nearby piece of Flint with a metal weapon or throw a flammable item towards the wood to ignite it and produce a flame. It's important to note that using an arrow to fuse the flammable item is not necessary.
Taking shelter in shaded areas is a common way to beat the heat, but it can be limiting as it requires staying in one spot until conditions improve. However, there is a cooking ingredient that can effectively fend off high temperatures - Chillshroom, as revealed by Naia's third question.
Cooking with Chillshroom can create dishes that give Link a heat resistance buff, making them perfect for exploring hot environments. To extend the duration of this effect, simply use more Chillshroom in the recipe. However, Chillshroom aren't the only ingredient that can be used to create heat resistance meals and elixirs. Hydromelons, Chillfin Trout, and Cool Safflina can also be used to create food, while Cold Darners and Winterwing Butterflies can be used in elixirs. To find Chillshroom, head to cold, snowy areas and look for them at the base of trees. Gerudo Mountains, Hebra Mountains, and Mount Lanayru are all great locations to gather this useful ingredient.
In Gerudo Canyon, there's a perfect solution to avoid the extreme temperatures day or night - find a cozy cave! Tears of the Kingdom has made caves the go-to place for anyone in need of a secure haven from scorching heat or freezing cold. You can discover these hidden gems by following a Blupee or offering an offering to Satori, Lord of the Mountain, at one of the shrines throughout Hyrule. Once you've found a cave, you'll be able to easily locate it again thanks to its convenient marking on the map. Don't hesitate to seek refuge in a cave whenever Link requires it. The adventure awaits in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, now available for the Nintendo Switch.