Unleashing the Power: The Ultimate Guide to Evolving Geodude and Graveler into Golem in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Discover how to evolve Geodude and Graveler into Golem in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet With the new Teal Mask DLC, these evolutions are now compatible Uncover where to find them, how to evolve without trading, and gain insights on whether Golem is worth using
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Where to Find Geodude & GravelerHow to Evolve Geodude & Graveler (How to Get Golem)
Evolving Graveler without Trading
More Information About Golem (Is It Worth Using?)
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero expansion pack for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, called The Teal Mask, has been released. This expansion pack increases the number of Pokemon available to catch from 400 to 600. The majority of these new Pokemon are from previous generations, including Geodude, Graveler, and Golem, which are Rock/Ground types.
Even if trainers of Scarlet and Violet do not plan to use the Geodude-line of Pokemon on their teams, they still need to catch them in order to complete the Kitakami Pokedex. While it is simple to evolve Geodude into Graveler, evolving Graveler into Golem requires more effort. These Ground/Rock-type Pokemon are typically found in mountainous regions and tend to avoid areas with water.
Where to Find Geodude & Graveler
Geodude can be found in two locations - the Infernal Pass on Oni Mountain and the east side of the Paradise Barrens. If players have not completed all three main stories in Scarlet/Violet (Starfall Street, Path of Legends, and Victory Road), Geodude will be level 20. However, if players have completed the main quests, Geodude's level can range from 63 to 67, depending on where they find it. Generally, Geodude in the Infernal Pass is of a higher level compared to those in the Paradise Barrens.
For players who are interested in capturing Graveler directly, there are "Fixed Spawns" available in both the Paradise Barrens and the Infernal Pass. Similar to Geodude, the level of Graveler will be adjusted to match the player's story progress. It will be either level 25 or level 67.
Geodude and Graveler also appear in 1-star Tera Raids and 4-star Tera Raids respectively.
How to Evolve Geodude & Graveler (How to Get Golem)
Geodude evolves into Graveler when it reaches level 25. If a Geodude caught is already in the level 60s range, players only need to level it up once more to initiate the evolution. However, if the Geodude is below that level range, players will have to spend time battling or using Exp. Candy to level it up until it reaches the required level for evolution.
Graveler will only evolve into Golem through trading, unlike other Pokémon. Scarlet/Violet players will require a Nintendo Online Individual Membership to access this feature. The membership options include $3.99 per month, $7.99 for three months, or $19.99 for a year.
To disable Auto-Renewals, click on the profile picture located at the upper-right corner of Switch eShop. Scroll down to find Nintendo Switch Online and select the option to terminate Automatic Renewal.
Trainers with an Online Membership can initiate a trade by pausing Scarlet/Violet (X-button), then selecting Poke Portal. Choose Link Trade and Set Code to give to a friend. Trade Graveler to them and have them trade it back to obtain the evolved Golem. Alternatively, players can engage in a Link Trade with a Link Code, but they will receive a randomized trainer's Golem instead of their own.
After completing the "The Way Home" main quest, players can start encountering challenging 5-star Tera Raids. These Tera Raids offer rare drops and powerful Pokemon. What makes it even better is that some 5-star Raids feature fully evolved Pokemon that can only be attained through trading, such as Slowking, Gengar, and of course, Golem.
To prepare for a 5-star Raid, it is advisable to bring a high-level Pokemon (around level 90-100) that has a type advantage over Golem's Tera Typing. Golem excels in Defense, so it is recommended to choose a special attacking Pokemon with the type advantage.
Although Golem's Tera Typing may differ from its regular typing, it will still possess Ground and Rock-type moves in its moveset. For example, if the Golem's Tera Type is Ice, using a Fire-type Pokemon would be effective. However, be cautious as the Fire-type Pokemon may be vulnerable to Golem's Rock and Ground-type moves. Therefore, a Fighting-type Pokemon might be better suited for the battle. It is suggested to use special Fighting-type moves (e.g. Aura Sphere) instead of physical moves (e.g. Low Kick) against an Ice Tera-type Golem.
Evolving Graveler without Trading
To transfer Graveler, follow these steps:
Store Graveler in one of Scarlet/Violet's PC Boxes, then save.
Exit out of Scarlet/Violet, and open Pokemon HOME on the Switch.
In the HOME menu, choose either Scarlet or Violet. Transfer Graveler from the PC Boxes to the Basic Box in HOME. Save your changes and exit.
Next, launch Legends: Arceus in HOME and move the Graveler from the Basic Box to one of the Pastures. Save your changes and exit.
Exit Pokemon HOME and open Legends: Arceus, then evolve it in Hisui.
Trainers can catch and evolve Graveler in Pokemon GO, and transfer it from GO to HOME, and finally to Scarlet/Violet. To evolve Graveler in Pokemon GO without trading, trainers will need 100 Geodude Candies. After evolving, Golem can be transferred by accessing Pokemon GO's Settings and selecting Pokemon HOME from Connected Devices.
Trading and online gameplay are not included in Legends: Arceus. However, Trade-Evolution Pokemon are still part of the Hisui Dex and are required to complete the quest for obtaining Arceus. To address this, "trade evolution items" now function in the same way as evolutionary stones. In the case of Golem, Gengar, and Alakazam, players will need to obtain a special item known as a Linking Cord.
The Linking Cord resembles the old Gameboy Link Cable, and that is likely because it is essentially the same thing. Players can purchase this item for 1000 Merit Points from the Merit Shop located in Jubilife Village near the Galaxy Hall. These Merit Points can be obtained by collecting dropped Satchels scattered throughout Hisui.
Another approach to obtain Golem is by capturing a feral Golem within the Coronet Highlands of Legends: Arceus and subsequently relocating it to the Scarlet/Violet versions. Although the transferred Golem will not possess the Trainer's ID associated with SV, it will nevertheless grant access to Golem's Dex Entry in the Kitakami Pokedex.
More Information About Golem (Is It Worth Using?)
The Geodude-line's Rock/Ground-typing makes it highly susceptible to two Types, resulting in a 4x weakness. This vulnerability can dissuade players from utilizing it since Water and Grass-type Pokemon are prevalent in the Scarlet/Violet region.
However, Golem functions effectively as a durable tank. For trainers who are unable to evolve Graveler, they can equip Golem with an Eviolite. This item enhances a Pokémon's Defense and Special Defense by 50% if it remains in its unevolved state. Below are Golem's base stats and its type effectiveness:
HP: | 80 |
Attack: | 110 |
Special Attack: | 55 |
Defense: | 130 |
Special Defense: | 65 |
Speed: | 45 |
Total: | 485 |
Strong against: | Bug. Flying, Ice, Electric, Rock, Fire |
Weak against: | Grass (x4), Water (x4), Ground, Steel. Fighting, Ice |
Resistant to: | Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock, Flying |
Immune to: | Electric |
Golem possesses several formidable moves in its repertoire, including Earthquake and Smack Down. Moreover, it acquires Heavy Slam, a Steel-type technique that bestows upon it the advantage against Ice-type adversaries. Nevertheless, the spectrum of moves it can acquire through Technical Machines is primarily limited to Rock/Ground and Normal types. Though it has the capability to learn Fire Punch, as well as Brick Break, a commendable maneuver for aiding against Ice-types, Golem's array of TM learnpools may be deemed less remarkable when compared to other Pokémon.
Those who utilize Golem would primarily rely on its Defense attribute. While it possesses a decent base Attack, its sluggish Speed implies that it will often act last in battles. Trainers seeking a Rock or Ground-type Pokemon with offensive capabilities may have a higher chance of success by exploring alternatives that offer superior speed than Golem. The games Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can be played on Nintendo Switch.