Unleashing the Force: Ahsoka's Epic Journey to Pave the Way for Star Wars' Ultimate Disney Plus TV Show

Unleashing the Force: Ahsoka's Epic Journey to Pave the Way for Star Wars' Ultimate Disney Plus TV Show

Ahsoka's connection to Skeleton Crew takes an exciting turn with the introduction of Jacen Syndulla, the son of Hera and Kanan This dynamic character paves the way for a new era in Star Wars, as he becomes the bridge between Ahsoka and the next Disney Plus TV show


Ahsoka, a sequel to Star Wars Rebels, promises the inclusion of various beloved characters from the series. However, the absence of promotional material featuring character Jacen Syndulla raises intriguing questions about his potential significance.

Jacen Syndulla, confirmed to be the offspring of Hera and Kanan in the Rebels epilogue, is set to appear in Ahsoka. His inclusion in the show opens up thrilling possibilities for the future of Star Wars storytelling.

With the potential to serve as a connection between Ahsoka and the upcoming series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, Jacen Syndulla could become the vital link that bridges the two shows and introduces a new generation of characters to the expanded Star Wars universe.

One character from Ahsoka may serve as a crucial connection to Disney+'s future Star Wars series. Ahsoka not only continues The Mandalorian, but also acts as a sequel to the animated show Star Wars Rebels. Several characters from Rebels, including Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, and Grand Admiral Thrawn, will make their live-action debuts in Ahsoka. However, there is one Rebels character missing from Ahsoka's promotional content, but this character may have a more significant role in the Star Wars canon than expected.

In the epilogue of Rebels, it is revealed that Hera and Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus had a son named Jacen Syndulla. Although Kanan tragically sacrificed himself in season 4, it was hinted that his son possessed Force sensitivity and was learning to fly like his mother. Despite not appearing in the Ahsoka trailers or promotional images, Jacen's presence in the show has been confirmed through an unexpected source. A new Ahsoka LEGO set, titled "Ghost & Phantom II," not only features an updated version of Hera's ship but also includes a minifigure of Jacen. This revelation opens up exciting possibilities for the upcoming Star Wars show.

Jacen Syndulla Is The Bridge For Ahsoka And Skeleton Crew

Unleashing the Force: Ahsoka's Epic Journey to Pave the Way for Star Wars' Ultimate Disney Plus TV Show

Next up after Ahsoka is Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, featuring Jude Law as a Jedi and survivor of Order 66. He will guide a group of lost children across the galaxy, in a coming-of-age show with an Amblin-style vibe. Although Law plays a prominent role, the focus will be on the young characters. Similar to Ahsoka, Skeleton Crew is part of the larger Mandoverse and is set during the same time as previous Disney+ series. This makes it the perfect opportunity for young Jacen Syndulla to take center stage and connect the two series. Jacen could find himself lost in space while learning to fly, leading him to meet the other children who are traveling with a Jedi. With no sign of Ezra Bridger or his father and Ahsoka busy with Sabine Wren's training, Jacen might seek guidance from Jude Law's mysterious Jedi character to learn the ways of the Force. This adventure would give Jacen a chance to go beyond his mother's responsibilities to the New Republic and the Ghost crew family. He can showcase his skills, make friends his age, and pave the way for a new generation of Star Wars heroes.

Hera And Kanan's Son Will Usher In A New Generation Of Star Wars

Unleashing the Force: Ahsoka's Epic Journey to Pave the Way for Star Wars' Ultimate Disney Plus TV Show

Rebels has a unique place in the Star Wars canon, being Disney's first official project in the franchise. The fans who watched Rebels during its original airing are now part of a mature generation of Star Wars enthusiasts. Jacen Syndulla would be suitable to lead a fresh group of young heroes in Skeleton Crew. This new series will introduce a mostly unfamiliar set of characters, presenting a great opportunity to introduce a brand-new generation to Star Wars while still paying homage to the previous legacy. Jacen can continue the story started by his parents, embarking on new adventures throughout the galaxy and ushering in a fresh era of Star Wars storytelling, starting with his role in Ahsoka.

The first and second episodes of Ahsoka will be released on Disney+ on Wednesday, August 23.