The enigmatic character of Baylan Skoll in Ahsoka has sparked intrigue and speculation, especially after the tragic death of Ray Stevenson. Dive into the mystery surrounding Baylan's character and the...
Delve into the enigmatic character of Baylan Skoll in Ahsoka and explore the mysteries surrounding his past, his allegiance, and the significance of his orange lightsaber. Discover the hidden secrets...
Exploring the possible alliance between Nightsisters and Mandalorians in the upcoming Ahsoka season 2, based on the events of Ahsoka season 1 and the history of these factions in the Star Wars galaxy.
Lucasfilm has officially confirmed that Ahsoka season 2 is in active development, and fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the Ahsoka Tano story. Here's what we know so far about Ahsoka s...
Eman Esfandi's unexpected journey to the role of Ezra Bridger in Ahsoka, from prophesizing his casting to embracing the Star Wars universe, is a tale filled with humor and determination. Learn about h...
Exploring the perplexing plot hole in the Ahsoka Star Wars TV show's Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn storyline, and the implications it holds for the Star Wars universe.
Hayden Christensen recently spoke about his excitement in playing whole new versions of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader in Ahsoka, expressing his delight in the experience and the opportunity to port...
Natasha Liu Bordizzo, the actress behind Sabine Wren in Ahsoka, has revealed how she based her portrayal on the foundation of the animated Star Wars Rebels series. This article delves into the evoluti...