Unleash Your Inner Architect with This Unbelievable Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Ice Bridge Building Hack

Unleash Your Inner Architect with This Unbelievable Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Ice Bridge Building Hack

Discover a clever technique in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to effortlessly traverse water without the need for swimming or any floating vehicles Uncover the secret to building ice bridges and explore new possibilities in your gameplay

A clever trick has been discovered by a player of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, enabling Link to cross bodies of water without the need to swim or utilize a floating vehicle. In this game, players have the freedom to utilize Link's Ultrahand ability to create various vehicles such as boats, sails, and even submarines. These vehicles play a significant role in exploration and allow Link to traverse the stunning landscapes of Tears of the Kingdom at a faster pace.

Tears of the Kingdom distinguishes itself from Breath of the Wild through the introduction of new gameplay mechanics, including Link's Ascent and Autobuild abilities. One of these mechanics, Ultrahand, revolutionizes the way players interact with the game's environment, encouraging them to push the boundaries of its construction mechanics. Notably, an imaginative player of Tears of the Kingdom has successfully constructed an electricity-powered aircraft capable of perpetual flight, while another has devised a floating boat that can be used for aerial and aquatic travel.

On the Tears of the Kingdom subreddit, a clever technique was shared by a user called Bao_To_Blanco, explaining how to create ice bridges to traverse rivers and lakes. By fusing an Ice Fruit with their weapon, the player can charge their Eightfold Longblade and release a freezing blast, resulting in ice slabs forming on the water. This innovative approach allows Link to cross bodies of water without the need for swimming or floating vehicles. The comments section revealed that many players found this method both useful and intriguing, with some humorously suggesting it would be a fitting ability for an ice-themed character in Genshin Impact.

However, it's worth noting that there are alternative methods for crossing rivers and lakes in Tears of the Kingdom. Another player discovered a different technique involving an Ice Keese Wing and a Boomerang, which enables the creation of ice platforms. This approach proves beneficial as it eliminates the need to use Zonai devices, which are advanced machine parts capable of constructing intricate vehicles. These devices enhance vehicle performance and provide a balancing effect.

Ice Fruits are highly sought-after resources in Hyrule's freezing regions in Tears of the Kingdom. Players can consume Ice Fruits to replenish their health or utilize them as ingredients for cooking. Additionally, Tears of the Kingdom's Fuse ability enables players to merge these materials with arrows and weapons, enhancing attack power and generating icy explosions.

Experience The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on Nintendo Switch today.