Unlimited Rupees in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Discover a game-changing strategy to gather unlimited Rupees in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom With a newly found item duplication glitch, players can effortlessly farm valuable resources Say goodbye to slow progress and hello to a new level of gameplay
Rupees can be a scarce resource in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, especially in the early stages of the game. While players can sell items or complete side quests to earn some money, accumulating enough to purchase the game's more expensive items can be a lengthy process. Fortunately, there is a much faster way to farm Rupees.
By taking advantage of a glitch, players can duplicate any item that can be attached to an arrow with just a few button clicks. The process is simple and takes only a few seconds, allowing players to create hundreds of copies per hour and ultimately an endless supply of rupees.
Updated as of May 21, 2023, by Tom Bowen: This guide now includes details on a new item duplication glitch in Tears of the Kingdom. This method is much easier and faster than the previous one, making it an excellent option for those seeking to quickly farm infinite Rupees with the aid of a good TotK item dupe glitch.
Discovered by a Reddit user with the handle USBdongle6726, a new method of duplicating items in Tears of the Kingdom has been uncovered. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in a matter of seconds using only the item they wish to duplicate, Link's Paraglider, and a high spot to glide from. To perform this glitch, players must follow the steps below:
To duplicate an item, ensure that it is in the last slot of the Materials menu. If it is not, drop it and then pick it back up again. Next, jump from a ledge and activate Link's Paraglider by pressing the X button. Pause the game using the + button and navigate to the Materials menu. Select an item that Link only has one of and choose the "Hold" option. Scroll to the item that is to be duplicated and select the "Hold" option. It is best to have four of this item, but the glitch can still work with just one. Quickly unpause and repause the game by pressing the + button twice in quick succession. Repeat this process three more times before landing. Pick up all the items from the pile on the ground and repeat the item duplication glitch as needed.
Players need to exercise caution when attempting the TotK item dupe glitch, particularly when it comes to breakable or explosive items. To avoid losing any items, it's best to limit the number of times the glitch is performed in a single glide to four, as exceeding this limit could result in some items disappearing due to the game's asset limit of around 21 items.
To perform the Tears of the Kingdom item duplication glitch in order to duplicate items, players will need two bows, one arrow, and an item that can be fused to an arrow. The item that can be fused will be the one that gets duplicated. Simply follow the steps below assuming you have all of these items.
To duplicate Link's bow in the game, start by tapping the ZR button. Next, hold up on the D-Pad and use the right analog stick to select the item that you want to duplicate. Then, press the + button to pause the game and navigate to the Bows and Arrows sub-menu. Once there, drop the bow that is currently equipped and equip another one. Quickly press the + button twice to unpause and then repause the game. Drop the currently equipped bow again and unpause the game. You should now be able to pick up two bows.
If players successfully pick up two bows, they can gain an extra copy of the fused item on the arrow. The glitch is noticeable when the two bows fall directly on top of each other instead of side by side. Failing to unpause and repause the game quickly enough may result in the glitch not working. However, with some practice, players can get the timing down and replicate the glitch in just three or four seconds. This allows them to duplicate an item more than 100 times in just ten minutes.
When attempting to perform the duplication glitch, players may encounter issues depending on the altitude and incline of the location. To increase the chances of success, it is recommended to try the glitch in a flat area or move to a different location altogether. As for the best items to duplicate,
When looking to amass a fortune in Tears of the Kingdom, it's best to focus on duplicating high-value items such as Diamonds and rare gemstones. This exploit can also be used to create multiple copies of Zonaite, a valuable resource for upgrading Energy Cells, as well as beast materials that are essential for upgrading Link's armor through the help of the Great Fairies. Additionally, players can even duplicate Zonai devices that are stored in capsules, making it easier to navigate the game's world map. Don't miss out on the chance to try out this exploit in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.