Uncovering Britney Spears' Captivity: Andy Cohen's Eye-Opening Interview

Uncovering Britney Spears' Captivity: Andy Cohen's Eye-Opening Interview

Andy Cohen shares his poignant experience of interviewing Britney Spears at the height of her conservatorship, offering a unique perspective into the challenges she faced under the control of her conservators

Uncovering Britney Spears' Captivity: Andy Cohen's Eye-Opening Interview

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Andy Cohen opened up about his bizarre experience interviewing Britney Spears.

Cohen, 55, shared during his SiriusXM show Radio Andy on Thursday, October 26, that he interviewed her for her album release party, particularly for "Glory". He mentioned that her manager at the time, Larry Rudolph, believed it would be beneficial for Cohen to get to know her as it might pave the way for her to appear on his show, Watch What Happens Live. The reason being that Spears was not fond of appearing on shows where she didn't know the host. In order to establish a connection with her, Cohen flew to Los Angeles for the sole purpose of interviewing her.

Before meeting Spears at the 2016 release party, Cohen sought insights from his friends Randy Barbato and Fenton Bailey, who were filming a documentary about her at the time. They cautioned him about a constant presence by Spears' side, a woman who would instruct her on what to do and where to go.

"And upon my arrival, I discovered a distressing situation: a woman who seemed to have complete control over Britney, as though she was her captor," Cohen detailed, in reference to the handler mentioned in Spears' recently published memoir, The Woman in Me. "Throughout the book, Britney mentions this individual by name numerous times, expressing her deep resentment towards her. However, for legal reasons, I will refrain from revealing her name, as I do not wish to be subjected to any potential litigation. Nevertheless, the entire encounter left me with an eerie feeling." As Cohen prepared to commence the interview, the enigmatic woman approached Spears, seeking a private conversation with her.

On stage with me were Britney, Will.i.am, and she approached Britney and whispered something in her ear. Britney nodded along, and I recall earlier when they brought me in to meet Britney before the interview. They surprised her with a birthday cake, but Britney corrected them, saying her birthday was last month. I was puzzled by the whole situation, realizing it was clearly staged for the cameras and it felt incredibly odd.

For 13 years, Spears was subject to a controversial conservatorship. In 2008, her father, Jamie Spears, was appointed as the conservator of Britney's finances and personal life, following her public struggles. In her memoir, Britney revealed that her father had complete control over her work schedule, dating life, social life, finances, medication, and diet.

"In my previous existence, I had enjoyed the privilege of freedom: the ability to autonomously determine my choices, establish my own schedule, and awaken with the liberty to dictate how I desired to spend each day," she expressed. "Even on challenging days, I claimed ownership of the struggles. However, once I relinquished the battle, in my present existence, I would arise each morning and pose a singular inquiry: 'What are our plans?' And thereafter, obediently fulfill the instructions provided."

Britney's conservatorship concluded in November 2021. She has expressed that the process of writing her book aided her in achieving a sense of closure, enabling her to envision a brighter future."