The Unveiling of Pokémon Horizons' Epic Revelation: Unleashing the Supreme Champion Trainer!

The Unveiling of Pokémon Horizons' Epic Revelation: Unleashing the Supreme Champion Trainer!

Unveiling the Unparalleled Power of Pokémon Horizons: Meet the Legendary Trainer Who Reigns Supreme in History's Most Formidable Battle

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Episode #12 of Pokémon Horizons

In the latest episode of Pokémon Horizons, the anime series finally reveals the main plot. It centers around a legendary adventurer who may be the most powerful trainer ever featured in the show. This exceptional trainer manages to capture not only the rare shiny Black Rayquaza but also five other legendary Pokémon, setting him apart from any other trainer in the series.

During Episode #11 of Pokémon Horizons, a second Ancient Poké Ball, similar to the one that contained Black Rayquaza, is introduced. This discovery opens up the possibility of a complete set of six Ancient Poké Balls. As Liko and Roy assist the Arboliva, the guardian of the destroyed forest, the duo impresses it enough to earn its trust. As a result, the Arboliva returns to its own Ancient Poké Ball and entrusts it to Roy. In Episode #12, Liko and Roy conduct research, delving into a legend found in one of Liko's father's books. Through this, they uncover the existence of the real legendary adventurer Lucius, whom Roy had only heard tales of. Additionally, they discover that Lucius was the original owner of the ancient Poké Balls, indicating the presence of a complete team of six legendary Pokémon waiting to be found.

The Legendary Pokémon Adventurer Was Insanely Powerful

The Unveiling of Pokémon Horizons' Epic Revelation: Unleashing the Supreme Champion Trainer!

Content: Having Arboliva now contained within an Ancient Poké Ball, we are aware of two out of the six legendary Pokémon: the Black Rayquaza and this colossal Arboliva. In the realm of the anime, capturing a legendary Pokémon is an exceedingly rare occurrence. These legendary creatures are typically depicted as sentient beings with their own thoughts and emotions, making them reluctant to be captured. As a result, they are usually left to fulfill their important responsibilities. Even in cases where a legendary Pokémon has been captured, such as Goh's Suicune, it only transpired because Goh respected Suicune's desire to travel and cleanse polluted waters.

To not only have captured a legendary Pokémon but also a shiny one, which happens to be one of the most powerful, this adventurer must be an exceptional trainer. The Titan-sized Arboliva is also a remarkable feat since gigantic Pokémon like this are typically deemed uncatchable due to their immense size. One can only ponder at the Pokémon that comprised this adventurer's team, considering that the Ancient Poké Balls themselves are valued as precious treasures. The picture book that Liko and Roy used to read the legend contains some basic illustrations, yet it is difficult to discern the specific Pokémon depicted. At most, it can be observed that there are two flying Pokémon, a water Pokémon, and one grounded Pokémon.

Pokémon Horizons Reveal The Strongest Team In History

The discovery of multiple Ancient Poké Balls also provides an explanation for Rayquaza's journey to the Paldea region: to check in on its companions. Following Rayquaza's path might lead to the other Ancient Poké Balls as well, and it seems that they are not all simply confined within sealed balls. This development appears to be the primary storyline for Pokémon Horizons, and while it may be straightforward, it holds great potential for showcasing some truly remarkable Pokémon, a desire shared by fans of the Pokémon anime.