Pokémon Horizons gradually introduces its main characters who initially lacked strong aspirations like Ash's dream of becoming a "Pokémon Master." Roy's initial inspiration was sparked by the Black Rayquaza, with the goal of eventually catching up to it. However, as more information about the Ancient Poké Ball emerged, Roy's dream underwent a transformation towards something greater. Episode 13 subtly confirms this shift, tying it to the Scarlet and Violet games.
Recently, Roy and Liko discovered that both the Black Rayquaza and the colossal Arboliva were Pokémon once owned by the legendary adventurer Lucius. Roy had previously heard stories about this adventurer and had long admired him, despite not knowing his name. However, the connection to the Black Rayquaza solidified Roy's new ambition: to become an adventurer worthy of succeeding Lucius. Although the goal is still somewhat vague, it is more specific than Ash's undefined aspiration of being a "Pokémon Master," which was never fully clarified even in the final episode of his series. Roy subtly affirms this decision during an ordinary scene involving sandwich-making.
Roy's Sandwich Pick Says A Lot About Him
In episode 13, Roy attempts to create a massive sandwich, mimicking the actions in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet video games. The final step involves using a pick to secure the sandwich, and this holds true in Roy's situation as well. Liko uses a standard flag pick, which is considered as a basic and inexpensive choice in the game. The other characters criticize Liko's pick, implying its lack of creativity. On the other hand, Roy opts for a sword-shaped pick called the Heroic Sword Pick. This pick is one of the most costly options in the game and its item description states, "A pick made to be the coolest. Once you've eaten, you can pretend you're a hero of legend."
It is evident that Roy idolizes Lucius and aspires to be like him, hence the perfect choice of the Heroic Sword Pick for his character. Although Roy gets distracted by a Wattrel, it is easy to imagine him utilizing the pick later on. While it is unclear whether the item in Scarlet and Violet explicitly references this character (which is unlikely), the association between the pick and the legendary hero, Lucius, remains intact. The use of this specific item greatly reinforces Roy's recently established goal, which may go unnoticed by the majority of viewers, even those familiar with the Scarlet or Violet games.
The attention to small details in the new series has greatly contributed to its overall quality. It demonstrates the writers' commitment to developing well-rounded characters. This approach has allowed Liko and Roy to stand out as individuals with their own unique personalities, rather than mere replicas of Ash solely driven by the desire to be the best. Although Ash and Roy share similarities, Pokémon Horizons has intentionally provided Roy with distinct goals and motivations. Notably, the inclusion of the Heroic Sword Pick is a significant aspect of this.