The Untold Secrets of Gecko Moria's Seraphim in One Piece - Unveiling the Hidden Truths!

The Untold Secrets of Gecko Moria's Seraphim in One Piece - Unveiling the Hidden Truths!

Moria's Seraphim: Unveiling the Creation and Might of Gecko Moria's Extraordinary Power

The Seraphim, introduced in One Piece, are poised to become significant characters in the final phase of the story. Their existence was first hinted at after the reverie concluded, when Fujitora discussed a mission with Akainu. These Seraphims, a more advanced version of the Pacifista, were created by the SSG of the World Government, led by the brilliant scientist Dr. Vegapunk.

Interestingly, it seems that all the Seraphims are modeled after former Warlords of the Sea, who were stripped of their titles after the reverie. Fans became acquainted with the Seraphims based on Hancock, Mihawk, and Jinbe during the Egghead Island Arc. However, in a recent One Piece chapter (1086), three additional Seraphims were revealed, belonging to Doflamingo, Crocodile, and Gecko Moria.

How Gecko Moria's Seraphim Was Made

The Untold Secrets of Gecko Moria's Seraphim in One Piece - Unveiling the Hidden Truths!

Gecko Moria's creation, the Seraphim, was recently developed but had likely been in progress for quite some time. The Seraphims rely heavily on Vegapunk's groundbreaking discovery, known as Lineage Factor, which he uncovered while working with the MADS scientists. This information was revealed during the Whole Cake Island arc of One Piece through Yonji. Yonji informed Sanji that Vinsmoke Judge had found the blueprint of life itself, Lineage Factor, in collaboration with Vegapunk before they parted ways.

Vegapunk has utilized the Lineage Factor to clone individuals, and this technology has already been witnessed in the creation of the Germa forces by Vinsmoke Judge during the Whole Cake Island arc. Additionally, Vegapunk is known to have cloned individuals like Stussy, a former member of the Rocks Pirates, and now, he has also cloned the Seraphims. The original bodies of the Seraphims are none other than the Former Warlords of the Sea. Since they were associated with the World Government, it is believed that Vegapunk somehow obtained their Lineage Factor, which he used to recreate their child-like versions.

Using the Lineage Factor, Vegapunk successfully cloned the Former Warlords. However, the Seraphims, as they are called, possess more than just the Lineage Factor of these formidable pirates. In addition to carrying the Lineage Factor of the former Shichibukai, they also possess the abilities of the Lunarian race. Vegapunk extracted the Lunarian Lineage Factor from Alber, who later became known as King and served as an All-Star in the Beast Pirates. By combining King's Lineage Factor with that of the former Warlords, Vegapunk ensured that all Seraphims acquired the powers of the Lunarian race.

As a result, every member of the Seraphims possesses black wings, white hair, brown skin, and a large flame on their backs. The blood of the Lunarian race grants the Seraphims immense power, but their abilities are not solely derived from the Lunaria tribe. In fact, they also possess another power within their bodies known as Green Blood, a recent creation of Vegapunk. This Green Blood flows through the veins of every Seraphim, including Gecko Moria's Seraphim.

The Power Of Moria's Seraphim

The Untold Secrets of Gecko Moria's Seraphim in One Piece - Unveiling the Hidden Truths!

Gecko Moria's Seraphim possesses impressive and extraordinary powers, mainly derived from the recently developed Green Blood by Vegapunk. Green Blood is a result of Vegapunk's research on the Lineage Factor of Devil Fruits, through which blood infused with this factor is manufactured. However, it is important to note that this method only works for Devil Fruits of the Paramecia type. Conversely, the Zoan-type Devil Fruits can be completely reproduced, as Vegapunk successfully replicated Kaido's Devil Fruit, albeit with a different color, pink instead of blue.

Unfortunately, Vegapunk was unable to recreate Logia-type abilities. He revealed that the process is highly intricate and would demand an extensive amount of time and financial resources, which he currently lacks. Consequently, only the Paramecia and Zoan types of abilities can be recreated using the Lineage Factor. Fortunately, Gecko Moria possesses a Paramecia type Devil Fruit, allowing his ability to be replicated using Green Blood. This implies that Gecko Moria's Seraphim is likely infused with Green Blood and thus acquires the powers of the Kage Kage no Mi Devil Fruit.

How Strong Is Moria's Seraphim

As fans are well aware, the Kage Kage no Mi possesses an extraordinary level of power as a Paramecia Devil Fruit, bestowing the user with the remarkable ability to manipulate shadows. With this ability, shadows can be taken from individuals and transferred to lifeless entities, infusing them with heightened energy. Moreover, the user can assimilate these shadows themselves, gaining an immense surge of strength. The versatility of this Devil Fruit extends to its capability of inserting shadows into other living beings, thereby amplifying their power to an extraordinary degree. Given the undeniable might of the Kage Kage no Mi, the inclusion of Gecko Moria's seraphim, potentially designated as S-Gecko, signifies an elevated level of danger when encountering him in combat.

The Untold Secrets of Gecko Moria's Seraphim in One Piece - Unveiling the Hidden Truths!

Gecko Moria's Seraphim, like every other seen in One Piece thus far, possesses immense power. Its veins course with Green Blood, carrying a potent Devil Fruit ability that renders it exceptionally dangerous. It is crucial to recall that in his prime, Moria was a formidable force who even clashed with Kaido in the New World. This incarnation of Moria is not aged and lethargic; instead, he exudes youth and vitality, infusing his Seraphim with even greater peril. Moreover, the Lunarian DNA has further enhanced the might of this Seraphim.

The Seraphims possess an impenetrable defense as long as the flames on their backs continue to burn. Fans of One Piece are well aware that even the most powerful attacks are unable to breach their exterior, allowing them to survive in the harshest of environments. Once the flames extinguish, the Seraphims experience a remarkable increase in physical speed, and it is certain that Gecko Moria's Seraphim will exploit this ability to its fullest potential.

Furthermore, it seems that the Seraphims possess an extraordinary rate of growth, and the experiences of their parent bodies are stored within their Lineage Factor. If this is true, then it won't be long before they reach their full potential, surpassing the growth rate of regular humans. It is important to remember that Gecko Moria's Seraphim, along with every other Seraphim in the story, was specifically created to become the ultimate living beings. For this reason alone, his power will undoubtedly be tremendous. Fans can only hope that Oda devotes more attention to him as the story unfolds.

One Piece

Manga - Anime

One Piece is an incredible adventure-filled series that has captivated its fans for over two decades. It follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, in order to become the King of the Pirates. With its compelling storyline, diverse and lovable characters, epic battles, and themes of friendship and determination, One Piece has created a vast and immersive world that keeps fans eagerly anticipating each new chapter or episode. It is a timeless masterpiece that continues to redefine the boundaries of the shonen genre, making it a must-watch or read for any anime or manga enthusiast.