The Dark Side of Marine Bounties in One Piece

The Dark Side of Marine Bounties in One Piece

Discover the newest threat to the World Government in One Piece: Marine bounties Cross Guild's system challenges the traditional use of bounties, and raises concerns about the power dynamics within the world of pirates and Marines

Simply put, bounties in One Piece serve as informal markers to indicate the strength of a pirate, their crew, and any territories under their control. These bounties provide an accurate portrayal of an individual's stature and the overall threat they pose to the World Government's authority. The Straw Hat crew's bounties have steadily increased, with their most recent jump after Wano indicating their status as a crew on par with an Emperor of the Sea. However, recent chapters have introduced Cross Guild, an organization headed by former warlords Sir Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk, and Captian Buggy, who have established their own bounty system that applies to the World Government's Marines instead of pirates.

Bounties not only reflect an individual's strength but also the strength of their crew, making comparisons between Marine bounties and pirate bounties challenging. Marines operate under the World Government and do not command their own crews or territories, making their bounties solely based on individual strength. The death of Vice-Admiral T-Bone, suspected to have been killed by a desperate civilian seeking his bounty, highlights the potential ramifications of this new bounty system and its underlying logic. It may signal the diminishing power and authority of the World Government and growing public resentment towards them, ultimately affecting the global power balance on the seas.

What Are Marine Bounties?

Pirates often boast about their high bounty values, which they see as a sign of their power and dominance over the seas. However, the tides have turned as Cross Guild has begun issuing bounties on Marines, putting them in the same position as pirates. While pirate bounties are generally specific monetary values ranging from a few thousand berries to billions, with no clear grading system, Cross Guild's Marine bounties are represented by symbols. The current system uses stars and crowns, with each star being equivalent to 100,000,000 berries.

Marine ranks have different combinations of stars and crowns, with powerful Marine Captains earning up to five stars, as seen on Koby's bounty poster. This means that his bounty would be worth 500,000,000 berries, as per the earlier explanation. Higher-ranked officials like Admirals, Vice Admirals, or Rear Admirals are likely to have even higher bounties, possibly even in the billions. However, it is doubtful whether Cross Guild can afford to pay out such massive sums. It is also unimaginable for a civilian to fight and defeat such high-ranking Marines, considering the incredible displays of power they have shown so far in the story. Nonetheless, the implications of these bounties are significant, presenting a new set of challenges for the World Government in their effort to eradicate piracy.

Before the creation of Cross Guild, the Marines had complete autonomy to carry out their own definition of justice without any opposition from any other group, except for pirates and dissidents such as the Revolutionary Army. However, the introduction of monetary compensation for the capture or elimination of Marines with bounty posters has made them vulnerable to attacks from all sides. They can now be targeted by pirates, individuals who oppose the World Government, criminals, and civilians seeking the rewards for themselves. Consequently, the Marines can no longer pursue their objectives without fear of retaliation from external forces, and their position among the Three Great Powers on the seas of One Piece has weakened significantly. This is because practically anyone can now place a death sentence on a Marine or group of Marines, which is a severe threat to the Navy's authority.

The Dark Side of Marine Bounties in One Piece

Moreover, the issue of disloyalty and desertion among the Marines is also prevalent, as some Marines may be lured into betraying their fellow officers upon seeing the lucrative rewards offered by pirates. The implementation of Marine bounties would undoubtedly benefit pirates more than the Navy, aside from the obvious downside of glorifying the work of immensely powerful Marines by virtue of the exorbitant rewards offered for their capture or elimination. Depending on the mechanics of this system, it could potentially provide a means for disgruntled civilians or pirates who have fallen victim to the World Government's corruption and extremism to seek vengeance by placing a bounty on those responsible for their suffering. This option has never existed in the One Piece world, which could raise questions about the World Government's authority and further fuel the growing discontent across the globe.

One Piece

Manga - Anime

One Piece is an incredible adventure-filled series that has captivated its fans for over two decades. It follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, in order to become the King of the Pirates. With its compelling storyline, diverse and lovable characters, epic battles, and themes of friendship and determination, One Piece has created a vast and immersive world that keeps fans eagerly anticipating each new chapter or episode. It is a timeless masterpiece that continues to redefine the boundaries of the shonen genre, making it a must-watch or read for any anime or manga enthusiast.