The Untold Intricacies: Unraveling the Enigmatic Bond Amongst the Three Marine Admirals in One Piece

The Untold Intricacies: Unraveling the Enigmatic Bond Amongst the Three Marine Admirals in One Piece

Discover the captivating world of One Piece as we delve into the intricate dynamics between the three Marine Admirals - Kizaru, the composed professional; Fujitora, the rebellious spirit; and Ryokugyu, the enigmatic fanatic Uncover the thrilling chaos that lies beneath the surface in this enthralling tale

Following the Marineford incident, a significant power shift occurred among the Marines. Akainu assumed the position of fleet Admiral, Aokiji chose to resign from the Marines, and Kizaru remained as the sole remaining Admiral. To address the void left by Akainu and Aokiji, two Marines were promoted to the role of Admirals.

These individuals are Fujitora, a blind swordsman, and Ryokugyu, a plant man. It quickly becomes apparent that Fujitora, Ryokugyu, and Kizaru are incredibly distinct from one another in terms of personality and perspective. This contrast gives rise to a unique dynamic among the three Marine Admirals.

Kizaru The Professional

The Untold Intricacies: Unraveling the Enigmatic Bond Amongst the Three Marine Admirals in One Piece

Kizaru is an individual who views being a Marine as simply a career choice. He began his journey from a humble position and steadily climbed the ranks to reach the pinnacle. Recognizing his role as a Marine Admiral, he remains committed to fulfilling his duties without allowing personal emotions to interfere. Regardless of the nature of the order, he will carry it out to the best of his abilities as long as it originates from higher authorities.

Similar to a dedicated employee who prioritizes the interests of their organization over individual customers, Kizaru's allegiance lies with the institution known as The Marines rather than its people. Consequently, he displays no hesitation in causing chaos and taking the lives of numerous innocent individuals in pursuit of his mission, as is evident from his actions in the Sabaody Archipelago. Moreover, he is prepared to track down and eliminate any target should the Marine command him to do so, even if it involves someone he regards as a longtime friend - such as his current assignment involving Dr. Vegapunk.

That being said, Kizaru is a relaxed individual who detests engaging in any task unless it is requested by higher authorities. He greatly prefers lounging about while enjoying a delightful cup of tea within the confines of his own room. Despite having known his fellow Admirals, including Akainu, for a considerable amount of time, he simply regards them as colleagues rather than friends. Should the need arise, he will not go out of his way to assist them. On the contrary, if instructed by his superiors, he would even engage in combat against them. Though he may feel remorseful about such a course of action, he would still carry out the mission to the best of his capabilities.

Fujitora The Rebel

The Untold Intricacies: Unraveling the Enigmatic Bond Amongst the Three Marine Admirals in One Piece

Fujitora and Kizaru are polar opposites in many ways. Unlike Kizaru, Fujitora views being a Marine as a true commitment to public service. As a result, he believes that it is the duty of the Marines, particularly the Admirals, to strive to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens. For Fujitora, the welfare of the people surpasses everything else, and he sees himself as a humble servant granted the opportunity and authority to serve the people.

This idealistic outlook often results in clashes with both his superiors and his fellow Admirals. He is willing to abandon his original mission or even ignore direct orders from his superiors in order to do what he believes is best for the people. This was evident in Dressrosa when he allowed the Straw Hats to escape, as well as when he pretended to be unaware of the revolutionary army freeing the slaves in Marie Geoise.

Fujitora fully utilizes his power and influence as a Marine Admiral to pursue his own concept of justice, which often conflicts with the goals of the World Government. This stubbornness and rebellious nature frequently leads to heated arguments between him and Fleet Admiral Akainu. Although he rarely engages in conversation with Kizaru, Fujitora occasionally has light-hearted discussions with Ryokugyu. Unlike Kizaru, he vehemently refuses any order to harm his fellow Admirals unless they pose a threat to the people.

Ryokugyu The Fanatic

The Untold Intricacies: Unraveling the Enigmatic Bond Amongst the Three Marine Admirals in One Piece

Kizaru follows orders, Fujitora does his own thing, but Ryokugyu goes above and beyond. He consistently surpasses his superior's expectations on every mission. Unlike Kizaru, who strives for excellence, or Fujitora, who has a greater purpose, Ryokugyu's enthusiasm stems from one thing: his idolization of Fleet Admiral Akainu.

In Ryokugyu's eyes, Akainu embodies the ideal Marine. He is stoic, direct, and merciless when it comes to apprehending criminals. Due to this extreme admiration, Ryokugyu will stop at nothing to impress Akainu. He even takes initiative without being ordered, such as when he attacked the recently liberated Wano Country in an effort to capture the Straw Hats pirates, believing it would greatly please Akainu.

Ryokugyu's admiration for Akainu has reached a level of borderline fanaticism. His loyalty is not primarily towards the Marines in general, but towards the current Fleet Admiral. He is willing to go to great lengths to receive praise from the man he admires so intensely. This makes Ryokugyu the most formidable Admiral among the three. It is reasonable to assume that he would even eliminate his fellow admirals if Akainu requested it. It is not that he harbors hatred towards the other two admirals. On the contrary, he shares a close relationship with Fujitora and holds nothing but respect for Kizaru. However, a single command from Akainu would be enough for him to act on his behalf.

One Piece

Manga - Anime

One Piece is an incredible adventure-filled series that has captivated its fans for over two decades. It follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, in order to become the King of the Pirates. With its compelling storyline, diverse and lovable characters, epic battles, and themes of friendship and determination, One Piece has created a vast and immersive world that keeps fans eagerly anticipating each new chapter or episode. It is a timeless masterpiece that continues to redefine the boundaries of the shonen genre, making it a must-watch or read for any anime or manga enthusiast.