The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

Discover the mind-blowing impact of Ahsoka in Star Wars history! Unveil the hidden truths behind the Nightsisters, the origins of light and dark, the rulers of the intergalactic Nightsisters, the secrets of the Sith language, the mysterious collapse of an entire civilization, and the enigmatic departure of the Zeffo from the Star Wars galaxy Prepare to be awestruck!

This article contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 7.


Ahsoka embarks on a quest to locate Thrawn and Ezra, leading her to Peridea, a seemingly fictional world that is actually the birthplace of the Nightsisters and their extraordinary Force powers. Peridea is also the birthplace of the eternal struggle between light and dark, as hinted by dark Jedi Baylan Skoll, pointing towards it as the true origin of the Star Wars universe.

The Zeffo, an ancient race connected to the Sith language and an intergalactic civilization, potentially departed from the Star Wars galaxy by hitching a ride on purrgil, leading to the mystery of their whereabouts.

The Ahsoka Disney+ TV show has completely reshaped the history of the Star Wars galaxy. Fans eagerly awaited to uncover the truth about Grand Admiral Thrawn's absence for over nine years in-universe and the reasons behind his inability to return. However, they were taken aback by the unexpected answers that fundamentally altered the entire history of the Star Wars galaxy.

Ahsoka discovered that the purrgil, which had taken control of Thrawn's main ship, had transported him to Peridea. This planet was deemed a myth by the Jedi. In order to locate Thrawn and her friend Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka ended up tracing his path, embarking on a journey that went beyond any previous adventure in the Star Wars universe. Now, the destiny of Star Wars hinges on long-hidden secrets from the past - secrets that challenge everything viewers believed to be true about the franchise.

6 The Nightsisters Of Dathomir Originate From Peridea, In Another Galaxy

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

Originating from Star Wars Legends and prominently featured in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the Nightsisters of Dathomir are a unique Force cult that harnesses magick to access the dark side of the Force. Their abilities have always appeared peculiar and distinct from those of Jedi and Sith, leading to the assumption that they have an unconventional association with the Force. However, Ahsoka has now unveiled the truth - Nightsister magick is derived from another galaxy. The Nightsisters are descendants of the original Dathomiri, a civilization that emerged on the planet Peridea in a separate galaxy. They were the first to utilize purrgil, a species of creatures, to navigate the vast void between galaxies, ultimately settling on Dathomir many ages ago.

In Star Wars Legends, the Nightsisters are seen as a relatively recent Force cult. In the canon, however, Ahsoka has confirmed they existed even before the Jedi and Sith. Their homeworld remains a myth for the Jedi, a legendary tale passed on to younglings within the temple. This implies that a dark side power predates the very existence of the Jedi, and moreover, it emanates from a different galaxy altogether.

5 The Cycle Of Light & Dark Began At Peridea

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

4 The Intergalactic Nightsisters Were Ruled Over By... The Zeffo

Peridea, as stated by dark Jedi Baylan Skoll, is believed to be the very origin of the ceaseless conflict between light and dark. While the exact meaning behind his statement remains unclear, it is intriguing to note that Ahsoka, having been raised in the Jedi Temple alongside Baylan, may hold a deeper understanding. Both have been exposed to the same tales of old, and this notion gains further validity through Huyang's indirect affirmation. As Huyang recounts ancient galactic legends to Ahsoka during their journey with the purrgil, his narrative commences with the iconic opening, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." This connection serves not only as an Easter egg but also functions as a significant clue, pointing towards Peridea as the epicenter of it all.

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

In Jedi: Fallen Order, the protagonist Cal Kestis embarks on a journey following the path of Jedi Master Eno Cordova. Their quest involves researching the long-forgotten Zeffo race, who were Force-sensitives originating from the Star Wars galaxy. This ancient civilization eventually succumbed to the dark side. Interestingly, the burial site of Kujet, one of the Zeffo's prominent figures, is located on the planet Dathomir. An intriguing Easter egg hinting towards Ahsoka suggests that Kujet once ruled the Nightsisters and their intergalactic civilization. Although buried within the main Star Wars galaxy, his name is mentioned in the runes of Peridea.

3 The True Origin Of The Sith Language Revealed

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

These runes are written in a variant of the Sith language known as ur-Kittât. It has long been recognized that the Sith gathered dark side knowledge from their predecessors as well as from various cults throughout the galaxy. Ur-Kittât is believed to be one such example, a language deeply rooted in the dark side of the Force, possessing a mysterious allure to those with darkness within them. Commonly referred to as the Old Tongue, the Jedi and the Republic ultimately banned ur-Kittât, as Rey discovered in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, when she attempted to have C-3PO translate the writings on a Sith dagger.

The presence of ur-Kittât runes on Peridean artifacts holds significant importance. It implies that the ancient Zeffo-Nightsister civilization is the true source of ur-Kittât, and that their legacy can be traced to the Sith. There is even a possibility that this is the secret origin of the Sith as a cult; that some ancient Jedi sought to decipher ur-Kittât and, as a result, succumbed to the temptations of the dark side.

2 Intergalactic Civilization Mysteriously Collapsed

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

1 The Zeffo Likely Left The Star Wars Galaxy

The ancient Nightsister-Zeffo intergalactic civilization is shrouded in mystery. Its ultimate fate is clear - it collapsed and became the stuff of legends. As for Kujet, he met his demise and found his final resting place on Dathomir. The purrgil, once nomadic travelers from Peridea, now only journey there to meet their end, isolating the planet and transforming it into an exile's refuge. Unchanged for countless millennia, it is possible that the same mythical event believed by Baylan to have initiated the eternal struggle between light and dark in the Star Wars galaxies was responsible for this cataclysmic downfall.

The Unforgettable Impact of Ahsoka: The History-Defining Force of Star Wars

Surviving the collapse of their intergalactic civilization, the Nightsisters managed to endure. Meanwhile, the Zeffo were forgotten, until Jedi Master Eno Cordova stumbled upon evidence of their existence during his extensive travels. He discovered that this enigmatic race had eventually departed their worlds and ventured into the Outer Rim. However, their whereabouts became unknown from there. Ahsoka strongly suggests that the reason Eno Cordova failed to find any further traces of the Zeffo might be because these ancient beings hitched a ride on purrgil and departed the galaxy. It is possible that they currently reside in the Peridean galaxy, or according to Huyang's suggestions, the legends speak of purrgil navigating through multiple hyperspace routes, indicating that they could be somewhere else entirely. Although the mystery surrounding the Zeffo and the cause of their empire's collapse remain unsolved, viewers can now make educated guesses about their fate and understand why they have not been recently seen in the Star Wars canon.

Ahsoka releases new episodes Tuesdays at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET on Disney+.