The Real Reason Taika Waititi's Star Wars Film Is Facing Obstacles

The Real Reason Taika Waititi's Star Wars Film Is Facing Obstacles

Taika Waititi faces hurdles as he navigates the intricate world of Star Wars in his upcoming movie The director sheds light on the challenges he's facing while writing this highly anticipated film

Taika Waititi, known for his work on indie hits like What We Do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilderpeople, has made a name for himself as a writer, director, and actor in the comedic sphere. With successful forays into the fantasy and sci-fi genres through his work on Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder, it was no surprise that fans were thrilled to hear of his involvement in an upcoming Star Wars project. However, Waititi recently revealed that the movie is still a work in progress, offering insight into the development process.

Waititi, despite his experience, faced a challenge while writing the script for his upcoming Star Wars movie. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he shared insights about his career and future projects. He highlighted the struggle he was facing with his Star Wars script, saying, "I have a great concept for it. However, like every movie, it's the middle part that's tricky. You start wondering, 'What should happen next?' When you look at all the amazing Star Wars films, you realize that you can't just introduce a smuggler and an alien sidekick to make it work."

The Real Reason Taika Waititi's Star Wars Film Is Facing Obstacles

Waititi is facing a daunting task of contributing to the vast and long-standing Star Wars universe. The franchise has had numerous contributors over the past fifty years, providing an abundance of material to draw from, but also making it challenging to make a distinctive mark. Compounding this challenge is the vocal and critical Star Wars fandom, who have been known to express their dissatisfaction when things don't go as they expect. Actors from both the prequel and sequel trilogies have experienced pushback following their performances. As an actor and director in The Mandalorian, Waititi is well aware of the fandom's tendencies. Although it remains unclear when Waititi's Star Wars project will be completed, he may introduce a fresh cast of characters and examine underdeveloped planets in the Star Wars universe. Alternatively, he could delve into a preexisting character's narrative, but whose story he will choose to tell is up in the air. Regardless of where Waititi takes his Star Wars story, his trademark humor and wit will undoubtedly be present.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter