Struggling with financial difficulties and the arrival of a second child, Taika Waititi initially hesitated to direct Thor: Ragnarok However, he saw it as a chance to provide for his family A compelli...
Taika Waititi, the Oscar-winning writer/director, hints at the possibility of Thor 5 with Chris Hemsworth, sparking excitement among Marvel fans Despite his busy schedule, Waititi may not sit out the...
Thor director Taika Waititi teases his upcoming Star Wars project, hinting at a controversial approach that might stir up a storm Details of the highly-anticipated film remain under wraps, leaving fan...
Director Taika Waititi shares exciting updates on his upcoming Star Wars film, hinting at bold choices that may stir mixed reactions among fans Brace yourselves for a unique and potentially controvers...
Taika Waititi, the acclaimed director, has ruled out his involvement in the development of Thor 5 alongside Marvel Fans have mixed reactions to this news
Taika Waititi provides an enticing update on his highly-anticipated Star Wars film, revealing that it is still in the creative process, simmering with potential Get ready for an out-of-this-world adve...