The Potential Alliance of Nightsisters and Mandalorians in Ahsoka Season 2
Exploring the possible alliance between Nightsisters and Mandalorians in the upcoming Ahsoka season 2, based on the events of Ahsoka season 1 and the history of these factions in the Star Wars galaxy.
The Resurgence of Nightsisters and Their Fragile Alliance
The enigmatic Nightsisters of Dathomir may be on the brink of forming an unexpected alliance in Ahsoka season 2. Since the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the presence of Nightsisters in the main Star Wars galaxy has been scarce. However, the resurgence of the Nightsisters has been officially heralded by Ahsoka, bringing the mysterious Force witches back into the forefront of a galaxy far, far away.
Grand Admiral Thrawn and The Great Mothers in Ahsoka
At the culmination of Ahsoka season 1, the Great Mothers and Grand Admiral Thrawn transported crates, presumably containing deceased Nightsisters, to Dathomir. This holds significant implications as the Nightsisters were previously annihilated in the Nightsister Purge, a result of their confrontation with the then-Chancellor and clandestine Sith Lord, Sheev Palpatine. Consequently, very few of them survived in the main galaxy. The arrival of numerous crates on the Chimaera suggests a potential resurgence of their population. With their resurgence, the Nightsisters may seek out new allies, especially considering the massacre that decimated their people in the past.
The Great Mothers in Ahsoka episode 6
The Tenuous Alliance with Thrawn and The Great Mothers
The conclusion of Ahsoka season 1 left the Nightsisters visibly discontent with Thrawn. While they did not voice their dissent, their expressions conveyed a profound sense of dissatisfaction. This reaction is unsurprising, given Thrawn's apparent disregard for their desires. Driven by his focus on strategy and efficiency, Thrawn often takes actions that provoke others. He is willing to make sacrifices, including lives, when he deems it necessary, and he does so without hesitation, even if it causes upset among his allies.
Great Mothers Ahsoka
Thrawn's indifference was evident when he callously abandoned Morgan Elsbeth, leading to a quiet but palpable dismay among the Great Mothers. His decision to open fire on the Great Mother's fortress, without considering its sacred significance to them, further highlighted his apathy. Despite their reluctance, the Great Mothers complied with Thrawn's requests, citing the strings of fate as their guiding force. It was evident that their collaboration with Thrawn was based on perceived necessity, and their discontent was palpable. Thrawn's ultimate goal in Ahsoka is to safeguard the galaxy from the Grysks, and he views the Empire as the means to achieve this. Consequently, he cannot afford conflicting interests within his inner circle, a likely reason for Morgan's removal. This fragile and tentative alliance is poised on the brink of dissolution.
The Great Mothers recreate the sword of Mother Talzin in the Ahsoka finale.
The History of Nightsisters and Mandalorians: An Unlikely Alliance
A pivotal moment in the history of the Nightsisters and Mandalorians occurred when the Dathomirian Darth Maul assumed control of Mandalore. During the Nightsister Purge, it was the Mandalorians who intervened to save Maul from certain demise. Despite Ahsoka Tano's efforts to depose Maul with Bo-Katan Kryze, there were Mandalorians who remained loyal to him. The Mandalorians hold prowess in combat in high regard, and the acquisition of the sacred Darksaber through combat garners immense loyalty. Darth Maul's possession of the Darksaber led to widespread allegiance from the Mandalorians, despite his outsider status.
Grand Admiral Thrawn And Mysterious Crates Image
The alliance between Mandalorians and Nightsisters, facilitated through Darth Maul, may seem improbable but is rooted in history. The Nightsisters played a crucial role in restoring Maul's sanity and providing him with new legs through their magick. Additionally, they created Savage Opress, bestowing him with formidable power and making him a loyal ally to Maul. As adversaries of Count Dooku and Palpatine, their objectives were aligned, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the two factions.
Darth Maul in the Mandalorian throne room in Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Prospects of a Unified Front: Nightsisters and Mandalorians
Given the historical connection between the Mandalorians and Nightsisters, a potential alliance between the two factions is foreseeable. The conclusion of Ahsoka season 1 hinted at the dissatisfaction of the Great Mothers with Thrawn, suggesting a possible rift in their alliance. Should the Nightsisters sever ties with Thrawn upon their return to Dathomir, they may find themselves at odds with the Empire. In such a scenario, the Mandalorians, under the leadership of Bo-Katan, could welcome the assistance of the Nightsisters, leveraging their formidable magick as a potent weapon in the defense of Mandalore.
Din Djarin, Bo-Katan Kryze, the Armorer, and Paz Vizsla with Coruscant in the background
The prospect of Mandalorians fighting alongside an undead army of Nightsisters presents an intriguing possibility. With the majority of Mandalorians decimated in the Purge of Mandalore and the Night of a Thousand Tears, the survivors have only recently regrouped. In their quest to confront the Imperial remnant, the Mandalorians are in need of allies, and the formidable magick of the Nightsisters could prove invaluable in this endeavor. Should the Nightsisters harbor resentment towards Thrawn for his actions in Ahsoka, they may be inclined to align with the Mandalorians, creating a formidable alliance.
Din Djarin standing with three other Mandalorians