The Dark Secrets Unveiled: Star Wars Casts Jedi Masters & Apprentices in a Sinister New Light

The Dark Secrets Unveiled: Star Wars Casts Jedi Masters & Apprentices in a Sinister New Light

Discover the eerie connection between Jedi and Sith in the new trailer for Ahsoka Did both orders draw inspiration from the powerful Dyad? Uncover the dark secrets that bind these ancient forces together


The relationship between a Jedi master and apprentice is crucial and mirrors the master and apprentice relationships in the Sith religion.

The latest Ahsoka trailer emphasizes the similarities between the Jedi and Sith, showcasing the dual aspects of the Force - the light and dark sides.

The Jedi and Sith traditions delve into the idea of a Force dyad, a formidable connection between two individuals. However, so far, neither faction has managed to successfully replicate this bond.

The new Ahsoka trailer sheds a sinister light on the master and apprentice relationships in the Star Wars universe. As fans eagerly await the premiere of the Ahsoka show, there is a question of how the series will explore the crucial bond between Ahsoka Tano and her Jedi master, Anakin Skywalker. Anakin and Ahsoka had an incredibly close relationship as master and Padawan, characterized by trust, mutual learning, and unwavering support.

The relationship between a master and apprentice is fundamental in the Jedi Order, as it ensures the transfer of knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next. These pairs form respectful and genuine bonds, often lasting a lifetime. However, it is worth noting that master and apprentice relationships are not exclusive to the Jedi. The Sith religion also embraces this dynamic, and the new Ahsoka trailer highlights the ominous parallels between these two constantly feuding factions.

Ahsoka's New Trailer Parallels Jedi & Sith

The Dark Secrets Unveiled: Star Wars Casts Jedi Masters & Apprentices in a Sinister New Light

The "Masters and Apprentices" promo for the Ahsoka show highlights some of the core relationships in the Star Wars universe. These include Anakin and Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda and Luke Skywalker, and more. It also sheds light on the master and apprentice relationships within the dark side users, such as Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati of Ahsoka, as well as Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. The trailer effectively integrates select quotes from various Star Wars projects. It starts with Yoda's famous line, "Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice," and ends with the poignant statement, "We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all Masters."

The first quote is from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, where Yoda and Mace Windu discuss the potential return of the Sith. In the Legends continuity, the Sith's "Rule of Two" was established to ensure secrecy in their operations, as a response to the ancient Sith's betrayal and treachery. The quote "We are what they grow beyond," from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, applies to both sides. Sith apprentices often seek to overthrow their masters, while Jedi Padawans learn to become independent and self-reliant. When considering the Rule of Two, the master and apprentice relationships within the Jedi Order can be seen as more sinister and comparable to Sith traditions.

Were Both Jedi & Sith Inspired By The Dyad?

The Dark Secrets Unveiled: Star Wars Casts Jedi Masters & Apprentices in a Sinister New Light

The Rule of Two's canon origins are complex. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker novelization and Star Wars: Secrets of the Sith reference book, it was created to artificially replicate the connection of a Force dyad. A dyad arises when two individuals have an exceptionally strong bond, causing the Force to perceive them as one. This bond grants them immense power, enabling them to teleport objects throughout the galaxy and resurrect the deceased through energy transfer. Seeking greater power, the Sith aimed to engineer an artificial dyad for themselves.

Perhaps the Jedi also attempted to establish a similar bond when they established the master and Padawan tradition. While their goal may not have been to gain more power, they constantly sought to deepen their understanding and connection with the Force, which the power of a dyad could have facilitated. However, based on limited information about dyads in the Star Wars canon, it appears that both the light and dark sides are necessary for a dyad to occur naturally. Since neither side could achieve this balance, their attempts to recreate the bond were unsuccessful. Even though these dynamics are complex, the upcoming Ahsoka show may provide further insight into their significance.

Episodes 1 and 2 of Ahsoka release Wednesday, August 23 on Disney+.